[Bonus chapter]Chapter 52: Connie in Jeremy's bathroom 

Chapter 52: Connie in Jeremy's bathroom 

Jeremy felt the anger slip into his vein right into his bloodstream. Some people purposely came to this planet to be a thorn on other's flesh and it was exactly what Connie Blackwood-Masters was to him.

"Are you out of your fucking mind? Why would you do that?" Jeremy asked her.

He wanted to know why a girl with an overprotective pure blood brother would tell him that she kissed his best friend.

Like who the hell does that?

And Jeremy hoped like hell that Connie was straightforward with Conrad because afterall she kissed him first and not the other way around.

He exhaled. The girl was a lunatic.

He had asked her if she was out of her mind and the girl didn't look even a little bit perturbed.

"Why would you tell your brother you kissed me?" Jeremy asked her as he narrowed his eyes at her.