Chapter 55: Fighting my own battle 

Chapter 55: Fighting my own battle 

"You did this! Your bloody wench! You did this to me" Defiance yelled at her. She would have gone after her but she was too tired and frankly, she knew better than to pick a fight with Connie.

Connie smiled like it was funny. Nothing about what was happening was funny, at least not to the princess.

Phoenix and Conrad joined them soon after.

Defiance looked at Connie.

"What did I ever do to you?! You are a girl just like me, how could you do that to me?!" Defiance yelled at her.

"Concetta!" Phoenix glared at the younger girl.

"I didn't….I didn't ask them to do that….I swear it on my life!" Connie looked at her brother. She looked shaken himself, surprised even. "I would never do that to anyone. You have to believe me"

Conrad ignored her and took off his jacket and placed it on Defiance.

Defiance ignored everyone and started walking away.

Conrad followed her.