Chapter 60: Mr. Rake

Chapter 60: Mr. Rake

Jeremy stood still as he watched the disappearing figure of Madeline Franklin. He wanted to go after her but to say what exactly.

Sorry, I kissed the wicked witch of white oak high? Or sorry, you are upset, Diddy 

But none of the above named apology sounded right because he has no idea why Defiance was mad at him. 

It wasn't like he hadn't kissed a bunch of girls before or anything.

"What's with her?" Connie asked him before she started laughing "Did you get yourself an omega girlfriend? Does your ego need that much stroking, dork?" 

Connie said and tried to touch his shoulder but Jeremy stopped her.

He narrowed his eyes on her.

"What are you still doing here, Concetta?" He asked her.

"Chill, I am just checking to know if my brother broke any major bone in your body. This is me being caring" Connie said and touched her heart in a mocking way.