Chapter 63: Never give up 

Chapter 63: Never give up 

Jeremy's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed her hand. The gesture itself startled Defiance.

"I am sorry.I am so sorry, I should have known it was your first kiss!" 

"You could tell?" Defiance was surprised and so, she took a step back and waited for the wave of embarrassment to wash over. 

She was beginning to realize that while being chaste was considered a virtue in the sixteenth century that the world has since moved on from that and that Connie Blackwood-Masters was probably a great kisser.

"Was it that bad?" Defiance's eyes popped out and Jeremy quickly reacted.

"God no! It was…great…really" he quickly told her.

"Okay. If you are sure" Defiance held his gaze.

"I swear it" Jeremy touched his chest as he talked.

"Then why did you kiss Connie?" Defiance just wanted to understand.

Jeremy exhaled and placed both hands into his pocket. Maybe he should really tell her the truth.