Chapter 65: Lady Judd of Koi

Chapter 65: Lady Judd of Koi

"....The point is I don't mind going through the trails to get to the good part because at the end of the day, all those people I mentioned are willing to lay down their lives for the people they love and I want that" 

Jeremy thought about it for a while. He spared Diddy a glance.

"I do believe in love, Diddy even though I didn't grow up around it. My Dad died when I was baby and my uncle took up leadership. He is a tyrant whose major aim was to inflict as much pain on mom, Phoenix and I. Mom died when I was five and left us under his mercy until uncle Zero took us away to stay in white oak for a couple of years" 

"I am so sorry" Defiance murmured. "What happened next?" 

"I learnt how to fight, beat the crap out of him and took back what was rightfully my father's" 

Phoenix's voice startled both of them.

"Jeez! I thought you were sleeping!" Jeremy yelled at her.