Chapter 72: Telling Julian the truth 

Chapter 72: Telling Julian the truth 

"One of those Ferritti was my great grandmother - Emerald…" 

Eireth stopped to take a breath before she continued. She could see the look on Ethan's face, the boy was a great audience.

"After Emerald went into hiding she stumbled on a King named Cyrus and I think it was love at first sight for her but not for Cyrus because he was in love with another woman but granny wanted him so much that she took Tiamat's stone and she made a wish for the love of Cyrus which was granted. Emerald's wish was granted but the cost of her selfish wish was high, she lost her immortality and became susceptible to well…death. So, Ethan, I have all the powers of a god but I am also human too. Anymore questions…I am freezing"

"No" Defiance quickly answered.

She knew If she gave her brother a chance then they would never do anything again except listen to Eireth talk about her ancestors.

"Yes" Ethan insisted