Chapter 76: A pure blood bite 

Chapter 76: A pure blood bite 

Defiance has also been in the spotlight from the very second she was conceived and one would think that by now she should be used to it but there was nothing more than two pairs of eyes glued on her to make her even more uneasy.

"You can talk to me, Madeline. Just point out who threw the first punch and you can go on your merry way" Alpha Zero dangled the freedom carrot in front of her.

Defiance relaxed back in her seat, if her father the King-Emperor taught her anything then it was when dancing with the devil, it was better not to show fear.

"Truthfully sir, I have no idea who threw the first punch on the account that I was trying to get away from the chaos. If you can remember, I suffered a traumatic experience earlier that day and I am yet to recover" Defiance said with a straight face.

Alpha Zero exhaled and relaxed back in the chair.