Chapter 94: Getting what I need

Chapter 94: Getting what I need

"Why didn't you call me?" Connie asked her father.

Alpha Zero watched her keenly. She was getting upset again without proper provocation. She was a kid, his hotheaded kid, there was no need for him to lose his cool too.

Alpha Zero sat back down and grabbed the glass of water on the table and took a sip out of it.

For a brief second, he wished for something stronger but it was barely evening and he had a ton of work to do.

"Honey, there is no need to be upset. The boy who saved you is awake but there is a hitch" Alpha Zero told his children.

Conrad appeared nonchalant. He seemed distracted but that particular information didn't fare well with his daughter.

"Oh my God" she yelled and raced upstairs without waiting for her father to finish talking.

Alpha Zero looked at Conrad, normally he would have followed his sister but instead he sat down on the sofa and crossed his leg.