Chapter 98: Drunk and destructive Diddy 

Chapter 98: Drunk and destructive Diddy 

Conrad shoved her and she fell. He used his body as a shield as the tree branch finally snapped.

This was going to hurt and Conrad knew it.

Luckily, the direction of the wind changed and it fell just very close to his feet. Defiance was shaken when she saw that he just saved her life.

 She was still trying to get over that shock when he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulders.

"Conrad, put me down. I can walk" She told him but he ignored her and started walking towards the direction of the bar.

She saw the way he almost stumbled twice yet he held on to her. Walking around in a raging storm was very difficult but walking while carrying another human was near impossible yet he refused to let go.

"Conrad! I am warning you. Let me go!" She slapped his back several times, she only stopped when she felt his palm on her lady bum.

Wait! Did he just spank her?