Chapter 104: Can you see me?

Chapter 104: Can you see me?

He turned his attention to the girl on the floor. The girl he has no doubt about his feelings for and he had only two options, walk away and distance himself from the ridiculous scandal or admit to the whole school that he was in love with her.

Conrad was between a rock and a hard place and he only had a few seconds to choose.

Conrad closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them, she was looking at him. Tears were rushing down her cheeks and her lips were tightly pressed together like she was barely stopping herself from sobbing out loud.

She looked like a wet kitten caught in a storm she didn't ask for and now there was no way out. 

He would have preferred it if she was the strong…head first into a dangerous situation, rebellious girl he had come to care about but she wasn't and that alone was a punch to the gut.