Chapter 127: Jeremy calls

Chapter 127: Jeremy calls

Semeen's eyes flew open instantly. She could hear moaning and sound coming from the other side of the room.

Semeen sat upright. It was Judd, he was having another nightmare. Her guess won't be far-off If she said he was having nightmares about Aradale or maybe his wife.

She shook him gently and he woke up with a start. 

"Are you alright?" She asked him.

Judd was sweating, he was temporarily confused and unaware of his environment. Slowly, everything came back to normal for him. He could see the worried commander now and the concern written all over her face.

"You are alright, Luther. It's just a nightmare. You are safe" Semeen soothed him.

Judd was silent at first as he waited for his breathing to go back to normal. 

He turned around and he looked at Semeen 

"Except I am not alright, am I? This is the fourth time you've woken me up because I was having a nightmare about home…About everything"