Chapter 135: Complicated 

Chapter 135: Complicated 

Conrad hummed to the sound of the song playing on the stereo in his room as he got ready for his first date with Diddy.

He looked himself in the mirror then he winked at his reflection.

"This is a major milestone, buddy. Don't screw it up!" He warned himself while looking at himself in the mirror.

Few minutes later he was putting on his wristwatch and shaking his body to the sound of music.

He was shaking his head as he wore the leather jacket that cost him a fortune when he heard a knock on the door.

He came out of his closet and stared at the closed door. Briefly, he wondered if the person on the other side of the door was his twin with a very nasty attitude and threatening demeanor.

But he was in such a great mood that having Connie be angry at him wasn't going to lower his mood. nothing at this point could, he made his way to the door and opened it.