Chapter 150: What happened with Lizzie?

Chapter 150: What happened with Lizzie?

Twenty four hours earlier

Jeremy walked down the lonely path. Everywhere was quiet and asleep. Even his mind was strangely blank and at peace. He listened to the sound of the wind and it was soothing. The air was cold and wet like it was about to rain but maybe it was the snow. He felt the droplets of snow and he smiled. It wasn't just his was vivid and real.

he could feel his body relax and his muscle loosened. 

Jeremy bent down and pulled out a blade from his ankle. He started fighting the air with his eyes closed like he had done numerous times before.

 Jeremy realized that for those seconds he was actually happy.. he was free.

He was interrupted by a sound. It was more of a snarl and he opened his eyes abruptly. He wasn't alone.

He came face to face with a white wolf. 

"Phoenix!" He yelled and wiped his face "I could have seriously injured you!"