Chapter 153: Alexander is that you?

Chapter 153: Alexander is that you?

Axel whispered unbelievably, he still was trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he had...he had struck a little girl. 

Eireth took off the covering and threw it on the ground before picking up her dagger.

"I am telling mama you hit me. You are in big trouble, Alex!" her laughter echoed through the forest. It was the most fun she had had in a while.

The twenty-first century was so boring it was annoying. Apart from spending quality time with her papa, there was nothing appealing about the twenty-first century. 

Eireth stood up and smiled. She had never been able to fight her brother before since he would rather pull out his hair than take a blade to her.

She saw the frown on his face and she knew he was pissed.

"That was amazing, don't you think Alexander?" Eireth was like a child that unwrapped a present and found their wildest dream in it.