Chapter 157: The look of adoration 

Chapter 157: The look of adoration 

Conrad led his girlfriend to a fallen tree branch and made her sit down. Defiance watched him from her lowered eyelashes as he played doctor by checking her Palm and knees for bruises.

For whatever reason, she loved it when he was curious about her health and the way his eyes squirt as he checked her body parts for injury like he had x-ray vision and he could see even the littlest hurt.

Without thinking she pulled at the band he used to hold his hair up and it fell all over his face and back, it was enough to make him look up.

They held each other's gaze and she slowly pushed his messy hair away from his eyes and tucked them behind his ear.

Conrad didn't say much except stare, it seems it was all they needed to do like words hold no meaning anymore like they could see through the mundane to the desires in the heart.