Chapter 163: I can explain 

Chapter 163: I can explain 

"I will tear you apart and feed your flesh to the crows!" Judd yelled in the dead language of Aradale.

"Oh dear!" Defiance felt her heart jump into abdomen.

Defiance thought of an easy way to diffuse the situation and only one had the chance of emerging successfully.

(Aunt Semeen! Aunt Semeen!) She searched vigorously through her mind for the one person capable of getting through with the stubborn knight in front of her that was ready to shed the blood of the boy she really liked.

(Aunt Semeen! I need you, uncle Judd is about to do something stupid…)

(Like what…I am tending to Alex's injury) the grumpy voice told her.

Good! She can hear her.

(Where are you? My uncle is about to murder someone!)

(I would care but I have some vamps to track down after this, princess)