Chapter 169: Don't go

Chapter 169: Don't go

Defiance nodded and wiped her face.

"Why are you being nice to me?" 

"I don't want to but I have to…for my brother. He may think he's done with you but I am not so sure"

Connie turned to leave but she stopped.

"If you want to have an audience with Conrad, I can make that happen. I will text you where and time …and Madeline, don't fuck it up this time" Connie slipped out the door before Defiance could thank her properly.

Defiance felt a rush of relief fill her up but it didn't last long because as soon as she made her way to class, Eireth was waiting for her. Her cousin had a frown on her face and she looked like something was bothering her.

"Hey, Eireth. Are you alright?"

"Defiance, we have to go. Come with me"

Eireth hardly called her by her full name, nobody rarely did except it was something of utmost importance. 

"What's going on, T?" Defiance asked but she kept walking with her cousin.