Chapter 173: Losing Elliott again 

Chapter 173: Losing Elliott again 

Defiance felt a little bit of chill in her legs and right fingers tips. When she tried to move her left palm she felt a sting of pain go through her and her eyes flew open instantly. She had beads of sweat rolling down her forehead as her eyes darted across the space she was in.

Where was she?

The more she tried to keep her eyes open the more her eyelids pulled together until she stopped fighting them. Then she slipped back to the empty peaceful dream and she stayed there for a while.

Elliott was wiping her face when she opened her eyes for the second time that day before he took off into the woods so she wouldn't see him.

 For some reason, the pain in her left hand intensified and she bit down on her lower lip and waited for the pain to pass.

She looked around the wood now, she could make out a figure by her side.