Chapter 175: A fool in love 

Chapter 175: A fool in love 

An hour earlier

Jeremy stood in front of his window with both hands firmly tucked into his pocket, maybe it was for comfort but then it might be to prevent himself from dialing either Conrad's number or calling Madeline Franklin.

He stood there lost in his head until he felt a presence in his room and he turned around to find his sister standing there unable to hide her concerns.

"I am fine, Nai"

He hoped like hell that he was convincing because he wasn't in the mood to try and explain to Phoenix why he felt like going to sleep and never waking up.

Phoenix dropped the glass of milk she was holding on the table near his king sized bed and she moved closer to him. Jeremy had no idea what she wanted to do until he felt her arms around him. He tried to shrug her off but she was like a leech, one she sets her mind to do something, she doesn't let go until it was officially mission accomplished.