Chapter 180: Beast mistress 

Chapter 180: Beast mistress 

16th century (present day)

"I take it you are here to yell at me"

Alexander said in a low voice as he placed his sword back in the shealth to give his sister his undivided attention.

Rosemund opened her mouth severally to talk but nothing came out. So, she stopped trying, instead she exhaled shakily as tears streamed down her face.

"I am sorry, Xander. I am so sorry, I was so busy being the Queen of the Midland, mother to your nieces and nephews and wife to my husband that I forgot the first job ever given to me…. keeping you good and sane!"

Rosemund allowed the sobs to rip through her as she sat down on the rock behind her.

Crap! Alexander groaned inwardly…it didn't matter how old Rosemund was…whether she was a child or a Queen, her tears affected him. He moved closer and he lowered himself in front of her.

"Hey…this is not your fault…look at me" Alexander lifted her chin and she stared at him.