reincarnated as a chameleon?

Author Note

I am a Complete beginner in writing and English is not my main language so if you can give me any review about the novel it will be appreciated.

(Maybe a Trash Novel?)

I am Nakami Sato, an Average Japanese boy i was crossing the road and suddenlyI was hit by a truck.

and here i am, in a body of a chameleon in middle of a forest.

Uhh!! How can i reincarnate as a chameleon.I was a Human. Shit I am screwed.

if i am right there should be a cheat..? System?

[Yes Host]

Oh! So you really are here.

[Yes host, I am here to assist you in your Adventures]

Oh! Can you tell me how to access function of the System.

[Host, you just have to Say System Tab Open]

Then, System Tab Open





Oh,First I need to see my status.











Stat Points-0

Thats Cool,Oh Wait Magic?? Am I in Another world System?

[No Host, You are another Universe,And unlike your previous Universe,This Universe Has magic]

I see.There are different Universes.Does that mean multiverse theory is correct? Anyways

The Stats are self explanatory.But System can you Tell me about Magic and Dexterity ?

[Sure Host.

Dexterity-It means the ability to react Faster.

Magic-its your Mana pool. Every magic attack uses Mana the more is your magic the more attacks you can use.

I understand,Thanks System.

[Welcome Host]

Now that I see my Stats, I am very weak and another thing I noticed is that when i was stressed my body color change to dark. Hmm, I never knew that in my previous life that Chameleon.

When i was in my own thoughts,i heard a noise from the bushes in from of me.
