Fighting a Goblin

This is bad news.I am not Strong enough to Face humans.And the Dungeon.

The dungeon or the Human can be close.

I need to get stronger.In order to Survive. I should level up to Level 5 Asap. I should go for a hunt.

After wondering around,I found a Goblin..

he was lvl 4 and carrying a club.I followed him and he was drinking water from the river. I slowly approached him with my camoflauge ability,And he didn't seem to notice me. I waited for him to finish drinking and leave the river, Because if I attack him now He may Drown in water.

After drinking water he started going.

Still Following him,I waited for him to lower his guard. And as expected,After some time He lowered His guard, Seeking the time, I quickly Whip His hand which was carrying the club.

The club was sent flying and the arm of the goblin was injured.The goblin seemed to be in pain but he Quickly reacting by Followed my tounge trajectory and spotting me.

I Let go of my Camoflauge ability.I used sprint to get in front of him and whip him with my tounge but he dodged the Attack and caught my tounge and throwed it in the tree which sent me flying.

[You Have lost 30 Hp. ]

The Goblin without giving me time to get ready, Got in front of me to kick me but i dodged the attack and Immediately throwed my toungue whip at his injure arm at very fast speed which Gave a Medium sized wound in his arm.

[Skill tongue whip has been created]

Oh Nice. It was what i needed I used Sprint and with all my strength whip him in the face,The impact made the Goblin stunned and seeing the Opportunity I throwed tongue whip At his neck ,which Damaged his wind pipe.

The goblin was Restless attacking me. But after 30 Seconds he got unconscious and i killed him with teeth burrowed in his neck.

[Congratulations on killing a level 4 Goblin]

[40 Exp has been rewarded]

[Congratulations,You Have reached level 4]

[5 Skill points and 5 Stats pointa are Awarded]

The Injuries Were Healed In 2 Or 3 Sec.But

It was a tough fight. This Goblin must have beend Dexterity oriented but if that's the case,Does That mean Every Organism has a system? System can you explain?

[Yes Host, Every Organism has System but only You have the System which can communicate,Give quest, Has Shop function ]

oh, I see. Wait, But Why Didn't received any Quest?

[Host,You will Be receiving Quest when you reach level 5]

I understand.

Now that I have 10 Sp let's find a skill.

System show me Skills.

[Sure Host]

[Dash-Consumes Stamina,But gives 2x Boost in Speed. 10 Sp]

[Iron Teeth-Host teeth will be 3 Times Stronger.10 Sp]

[Iron claw-Host will Grow Claw which will be Comparable to Iron. 10 Sp]

Oh,these are Some nice skills,But The Skill i choose Is-

Authore Note

Feel The cliffhanger