Since Lixinni had gotten the crowd at her mercy, the cheers that came from the crowd was hence hard to split when she raised the sword and then told Axena to do the same. "It doesn't matter what you have against them. What matters is that you have satiated their thirst for blood and violence. You have to show them that you are happy doing it," she advised.
Axena looked around the ring and sighed. Her heart had been subjected to palpitations and she was heaving heavily with her sword in her hand. She looked around the walls that surrounded the ring and saw the crowd cheering for her. There were kids, women, and men, old and young who had forgotten the slavery that she was into and were only living the moment based on what they could see. After so much looking and thinking, she raised her sword hesitantly and joined Lixinni in the bravado that she was forming.
They both walked to the centre of the ring and lifted their eyes up the platform.