Chapter 33 - Trust issues

The silence of the dark hours evaded the moment and none said a word to each other as the party walked into the night and returned to the east wing of the prison walls where they came from. Axena read the moment and saw that Cinten was not the woman she was before she appeared in Buten';s castle and Axena was smart enough to note the change that had happened to her mistress.

One of the guards held the fire and walked before them all, Cinten followed and Axena was next behind her, walking before the other ten guards that accompanied Cinten to the fort.

When they were close to the gate that would see them in Cinten's chamber she paused and turned, looking into Axena's face and then dismissing the guards. 

"You shall stay in my chamber," Cinten said and Axena was shocked at the order.

Do you have anywhere else in mind?" Cinten asked.