跪 or not"

Seeing that all the students are sitting in danger, they dare not refute Liang Yu's words, and Liang Yu's face shows a smile of satisfaction.

In this day, the only city that can make the dark moon family jealous is the city government.

There are no people in this class who have a city seat. Others, no one dares to provoke his edge! The words he just said are just for Li Wei!

Liang Yu's gaze swept over the bodies of the people and landed on Ye Xinghe's body. Ye Xinghe lowered his head at this time, and his slightly long hair covered his expression.

Liang Yumei's hair is slightly picked. If he remembers it right, the person in front is the young boy from the Qingyu family in Lancang Town. He stood up and walked over to Ye Xinghe.

"You, lift your head!" Liang Yu's voice has an unquestionable taste.

All the students looked at Ye Xinghe and Liang Yu who stood in front of Ye Xinghe. They didn't know where Ye Xinghe had offended Liang Yu but secretly guessed that Ye Xinghe would be miserable.

Ye Xinghe has a slight shape, although he is the man of his most hateful dark-moon family, he can't do anything. If he offends the dark-moon family, the whole family of Qingyu will suffer!

Ye Xinghe was reluctant, but he slowly lifted his head.

"What is your name!" Liang Yu frowned, and he felt that Ye Xinghe's face seemed to have stubbornness.

"Ye Xinghe!" Ye Xinghe should have one.

Liang Yu suddenly raised his foot and slammed his foot on the body of Ye Xinghe, turning Ye Xinghe out of his foot.

The students around me were too late to prevent Liang Yu from doing such rude things. They were a little confused, and several girls even screamed.

"Are you talking to the main house?" Liang Yu sullenly screamed. "Even if you have taken the Star Academy, the Qingyu family is also a subsidiary of our dark-moon family. You are a family of young people. They are the slaves of my dark-moon family!"

Ye Xinghe was turned over to the ground, and his face was bloody. Liang Yu's words were like a spike, slamming on his heart.

"The people of your family, who are born in the world, are the slaves of my dark-moon family!"

The words of Liang Yu are squeaking in the ears of Ye Xinghe.

The boundless anger almost makes Ye Xinghe lose his mind!

Ye Xinghe wants to ask, why? The food that the Qingyu family has worked so hard to plant is mostly a tribute to the dark moon family every year. Even if the people are starved to death, they must not be less! Why the life of the Qingyu family is the slave of the Darkmoon family?

Ye Xinghe still remembers the desperate gray eyes after her aunt came back. At that time, he was still young, and he didn't know what happened. Later, he realized that the people of the Dark Moon family had done something angry with her!

This hatred is deep into the bone marrow!

From the moment of the note, Ye Xinghe vowed to avenge his aunt!

Ye Xinghe gritted his teeth and climbed up from the ground.

"Who made you climb up!" Liang Yu turned his foot on Ye Xinghe.

Ye Xinghe's hand grasped the ground with blood on his face. He bit his teeth, and there was no tear in his eyes. The shame that Liang Yu added to him was more than that of the Qingyu family. What is the shame?

Looking at Ye Xinghe lying on the ground, Liang Yu smiled coldly. "Even if you come to the Star Academy, I want you to understand one thing. You are the slave of my dark family, don't forget yourself. Identity! When you meet at the main house, you have to behave! I talk to you, do you dare to sit?"

"Liang Yu, are you a bit too much, after all, we are a class of students!" A Qingyue voice came from the side, it was a delicate girl, her facial features were exquisite, and her hair was like a waterfall. Scattered behind, the white silk long skirt is exquisitely outlined, the front end of the sleeve is exposed with a white jade-like arm, and the slender wrist is hung with a silver bracelet without any decoration. The temperament is elegant. Although only fifteen years old, it is already beautiful.

"A class of students, jokes!" Liang Yu haha ​​smiled, "Snow, he is the slave of my dark family. You Tianheng family will not think that the family slaves will have an identity with the family." ?"

A Xueyun frowned, her eyes swept over Ye Xinghe, and there was a trace of an unbearable look in her eyes. "If he is the slave of your dark-moon family, you don't have to be this time." Insult him like this, how can he get up in the Star Academy in the future?"

"Home slaves, he still wants to raise his head?" Liang Yu looked at Ye Xinghe on the ground and sneered at the three channels. "Ye Xinghe, I didn't expect a big beauty to pray for you. Today is the entrance." One day, I am not going to treat you. Ye Xinghe, I want you to kneel, give me three heads! I will not pursue today's things, otherwise, you know the consequences! A little green family I have thousands of ways to deal with you!"

"You…" A Xueyun did not expect that Liang Yu was still so aggressive, even saying such a thing.

Ye Xinghe clenched his fists, his nails were tied in the flesh, and a trace of blood was oozing out. He climbed up.

This is a naked shame!

Men have gold under their knees!

Anyone afraid of such a thing will be angry and lose his mind!

All the trainees are watching Ye Xinghe's every move, so humiliated, Ye Xinghe will be angry against it! Some of the students from various territories also showed their anger and unwillingness. Is it true that in the eyes of the Lord's family, are they a family slave?

Ye Xinghe lowered his head.

Liang Yu looked at Ye Xinghe coldly, and his mouth smiled coldly.

Does Ye Xinghe still dare to resist?

Ye Xinghe is full of hatred and hatred to Liang Yu. However, thinking of the eager eyes of his parents and ethnic groups, he knows that once he resists, waiting for the Qing Yu family, it will be endless anger! It's not as simple as going to the next time. The people of the Qingyu family are likely to die because of him!

Insults are insulted, but nothing can be done.

Liang Yu took the palm of his hand and patted the cheek of Ye Xinghe. He made several deep red marks on the face of Ye Xinghe. He said coldly. "Ye Xinghe, are you still stunned?"

Ye Xinghe bites his teeth, even if he is dead, he will not see the crowd, but one person is dead, the family of Qingyu family?

The inner heart of Ye Xinghe is like a knife pierced by a sharp knife. His self-esteem was trampled on the soles of his feet, but he could not do anything.

Ye Xinghe still remembers the eager anticipation of his parents and ethnic groups when he sent him to the door of Lancang Town.

He is here to resist Liang Yu, and if he suffers, he will be all the people of the Qingyu family!

But if you are squat, then you don't want to look up in this Star Academy for a lifetime! Ye Xinghe did not move.