
"Run, Genesis! Run! Don't look back!"

I run as fast as my 6 years old body can. Covering my ears with my hands to suppress the noise. Trying so hard not to look back just as Father Yosef told me to.

A scream slip my lips when the sound of gunshots echoed through the dark forest. Followed by gurgling and moaning sounds. I keep running.

I sob at the cuts made by the branches I pass through and felt the stinging on my body. I feel so cold, hungry, and tired, but I keep on running because If I stop or if I hesitate even for a moment, I'll die.

I yelp when I trip, my crying intensifies when I felt a cut on my knee, still I push myself up and started running again. But that's when I realize it...

The sound of gunshots... They're gone. All I can hear now are the gurgling sounds as if someone is getting drowned. I can also hear cracking sounds, but even though I'm young, I know they weren't branches being stepped upon. They're bones. Shifting to different places as the dead bodies deteriorated.

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying, but it didn't help. Even though the darkness still envelops the forest, I can see them all around me. Their lifeless cold eyes, look at me like how a predator looks at its prey.

I shut my eyes close, covering my ears once again, and slumping on the ground. Just like what Father Yosef taught me to do when we're hiding from a horde of lifeless moving bodies. My lower lip ached as I keep biting on them, waiting for my doom when the zombies started moving.

Twigs snap under their foot as they make their way toward me. Their gurgling and moaning filled my ears through my hands covering them. I sob. Crying like there's no tomorrow.

But then nothing happened...

I slowly open my eyes, quickly covering my mouth to stop myself from screaming, when I saw the face of a zombie inches away from mine. It was a man with torn flesh on his cheek, snapping its neck in my direction and sniffing the air, before crawling away.

I tremble as I tried to stand up, constantly flinching whenever a zombie will snap its neck in my direction. But even though they do that, not one made a move to attack me. Thinking that they can't see me, I started running once again. This time, back to where I left Father Yosef.

It was dark, yes, but I manage to find my way back to where I left Father. Even smiling when I stumble on my backpack, grabbing it before trying to find where exactly Father is.

Then I see his back. Standing in the middle of the forest just like what I last saw before I run away. Though this time, he was silent and wasn't holding a gun anymore.

"Father! Father! They didn't attack me. They didn't hurt me! You should see-" My cheerful remark was cut off when Father suddenly push me down after I grab his hand.

That's when I scream...

His eyes were not how I remember them. The warmth on them is gone. Now filled with a coldness I had never seen on him before. My chest tightened, and I burst out crying. His neck loses some of its flesh. A black stain filled his once-white shirt, and even though it was dark I know it wasn't just stained.

Like what happened earlier, Father didn't hurt me. He only sniffs the air around me before letting me go and going back to what he was doing earlier. Standing and staring into a void.

I cried and cried as I keep on walking around the forest. Dawn started coming out, illuminating the forest. This time I got a clear image of what was happening around me.

The forest was almost covered by zombies. Their bluish face and gory fleshes turned inside out and were in full view. And I realized just how I should have been dead moments ago. How I should have turned out just like Father Yosef.

I continued just like that. Walking past every zombie I encounter on the way until I manage to find an empty road. I followed it, maybe for hours, not sure since I don't have any way of telling the time. I keep on going, only stopping to camp and rest at some point. I wasn't even sure where I'll end up. The only thing that keeps me going is Father Yosef's plan before he got turned into one of those lifeless moving bodies.

To find the City of Hope. The last city standing after the apocalyptic events happened. It was said to be the proof of humanity's last stand to preserve life. The last resistance against the end of the world.

But with a small body like mine, I don't think I'll make it there. I don't even know where it is. All I know is that once I made it to the main bridge road, all I have to do is follow it straight, and I'll find the tall walls of the City of Hope. Where the main road is, I have no idea.

Well, that was until I finally reach the intersection. The sun was suddenly blocked, and shadow hovered above me. I look up to see the huge road bridge just above. My eyes widen. I quickly search for a way to get on that road and almost scream in delight when I see the steep rocks in the left corner of my eyes.

I climb it, not minding how high it was for my body. Once I reached the top, I face up with a barb fence. Thankfully, there was a hole right in the corner. I crawl over it to fit myself in and started running towards the main road.

I don't know what to feel the moment I step into it, but I was still glad that I made it.

Emptiness. That's what greeted me. Nothing moving, aside from the hot wind sweeping dust all over the place. The road was also full of empty cars, piled on the corners, a few blocking the middle, but not something I can't fit myself in.

Once again, I started walking. I walk and walk for days. Sleeping inside empty cars at night. I even thought for a moment that everything will be easy after that, but that was before I ate the last crackers, and drink the last drop of water left in my bag.

I grew tired, hungry, and thirsty to go on. I push myself for more miles, but my body felt weak. I can't even feel my muscles anymore. Zombies are not the problem for me anymore, but ration is.

Black spots started appearing in my eyes the next day as I tried to keep going. I even tried to search for food or bottle of water left in cars I passed by but found nothing. Not even crumbs. Still no sign of life aside from mine.

I wanted to keep going, but I feel just so tired and sleepy. The City of Hope is still far from where I am. I don't think I'll make it there. All I want is to sleep. So I did.

Once I collapsed, I never made any attempt to stand up. My body hurts, so I just lay there. In the middle of the quiet road, and full view of the scorching sun. I close my eyes and hope that Father Yosef won't forget to wake me up for dinner.
