Greeting, Father-in-law.

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock was heard and the white-haired cat kin who was working who was working frowned in confusion.

"Who is it?" She questioned.

"It is me."

Rune's expression changed the moment she recognized the voice. She stood up and rushed towards the doors,

"Father, what are you doing here?"

She questioned as she glanced at Oberon who was standing in front of her. Oberon, however, ignored her and looked into Rune's room, seeing the room well-lit with a pile of papers lying on her table, Oberon turned back to Rune.

"I believe I ordered you to rest." He spoke.

"I was about to res-"

"I did not know that my authority as the Lord would diminish after I selected the next heir."

"Father, it is not like that…" Rune tried to explain herself. Oberon, however, wasn't liking it.