We are free!

While Sylveris' leaders were discussing their possible way out, the Foxes, who had returned to Yrniel, were doing the same.

"I can't believe it."

One of the three Primordial Foxes, Aerion Dawnshade, spoke with a solemn look on his face.

These three were the true leaders of the Black Order and the Dawnshade House, hidden Primordials who continued to carry their house's responsibility.

"To think Middle-Level Worlds will be destroyed without anyone finding out how… This is ridiculous."

Lysander, another one of them, nodded.

"What do you think of the Faction's decision?"

Alzar, the third Primordial, questioned.

"What is there to think about? It is not like they have any other choice."

Aerion shrugged.

"But this puts us in a difficult spot."

Alzar spoke with a solemn look on his face, and at his words, the other two leaders' faces turned grim as well.

"I think it is time we put an end to this farce."