Chapter 3 - Lola

Bip-bip-bip, the sound of the machines again. Why don't i just die and get over with it. Then the images started coming back to me with the last one being Xander's eyes. It made me jolt awake, i couldn't breathe, i tried but i couldn't until someone held me to their chest and whispered "you are safe" repeatedly while rubbing my back. It felt calming and i wanted to stay there forever. When my eyes were able to focus properly i opened them and there he was holding me like there was no tomorrow. "Am ok, you can let go now", i said in a whisper. "Are you sure?", "Y-yes". He slowly let go of me and sat at the chair that was next to the hospital bed. When Doctor Summers entered i tried to get out of the bed but the pain was too much that i ended up crying in pain causing Xander to come next to and hold me again, he made me feel safe while i knew that was an illusion.

"Lola, you need to take it easy ok? you need time to recover", she said. I couldn't say anything because Xander is not supposed to know if this has happened to me before. I not my head and when my eyes met Xander's i saw pain and guilt? what was he feeling guilty about? When Doctor Summers finished her check up and the nurse giving me my pain meds she left us alone. "Thank you for bringing me here, you can go now, i will be ok", i said avoiding his eyes, i just wanted to go back and see if Charles could forgive me, i knew he would be blaming me for everything and i wanted to make it right. "Am not leaving Lola, i will be here with you until you get better and then you will be moving in with me", his statement made me turn to look at him with shock. "Why would i do that? i have a boyfriend i have a home", i wanted to shout but my wounds didn't allow me to do so. "You are not going back to that dirt bag, i wont allow it", "Who do you think you are? just because i accepted your help doesn't mean you are the boss of me", for some reason my anger made him smile, was this guy ok in the head? He just walked out of the room paying me no mind.

"Oh my god Lola! I came as soon as i heard", Miss Amanda said as she walked in my room, she looked so worried that i felt bad for not telling her. "I am fine Miss Amanda, it was just a misunderstanding", she looked at me like i was crazy and hugged me carefully not to hold me too tight. "You already have my opinion so i do not think you need my answer, am just glad Xander was there", he was the one who told her, it had to be. "Did he tell you that i was here?", "No, Doctor Summers did". She said as she settled on the chair next to my bed taking out her laptop and making herself comfortable. "What are you doing?", i asked still processing what i was seeing. "Oh you thought am going to leave you so that you can run back to that crazy man? well think again sweetie", she put on her grasses and started typing furiously as she usually did when she was completely focused on her work. Arguing was not going to solve anything so i decided to turn the other way and sleep.

"How is she?", "She is getting better, but i don't know if leaving her alone is the best option, he might come here and do something worse", "Don't worry, we wont be seeing him again", "Xander what did you do?", i asked as i was waking up not feeling like snooping in their conversation anymore. "I told him to get lost, by the way i have returned the apartment to your landlord and along with the debt that you owned him", "What debt, i gave Charles the m...", that is how i stopped talking because i couldn't dare finish the sentence, it was obvious that he was not paying it, no wonder the guy hated me, fuck! Xander's eyes turned soft as he turned to Miss Amanda informing her that i was officially moving in with him, i thought she was going to be on my side but unfortunately she smiled and nodded in agreement. What was wrong with her, she was selling me to the devil, i mean what was that?

"Doctor Summers, can we have her discharged today? I have a family nurse that can work with you to make sure she is ok", "Yes of course, i can pass by after my shift to check on her". They spoke as if i was not there, no one cared about my opinion in the matter. I figured it was pointless to complain. The day went on with a series of tests Doctor Summers wanted to make sure that it was ok for me to move despite Xander's promises.

"Am satisfied, here are the medications each have instructions on them", she gave the bag to the man who broke in our apartment while Xander picked me up bridal style from my bed. I was on the plus side but he looked comfortable carrying my towards the car. It was in the VIP exit and it was not a cheap SUV. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heart, it was peaceful. I woke up when i felt the car coming to a stop, i looked around and saw that i was in a very beautiful mansion, it looked so bright and neat making me feel so out of place. "Welcome home baby girl", he whispered in my ear as he carried me through the stairs, the nickname made me blush, i thanked the dark decor for hiding my face. We walked into what seemed to be his room, it was huge like a studio apartment with a sitting lounge, walk in closet and what seemed to be a massive bathroom.

"Take a shower and change into these, am going to get you some real food and water, then we will talk ok?", he instructed like he was talking to a child, i nod my head and waited for him to close the door behind him. I really needed a bath, i hated the hospital smell, i moved cautiously so that i wouldn't undo the stitches, all i can say is am not regretting taking a shower it felt really good.