Chapter 20 - Xander

I have been so busy pushing for the opening of the branch in Australia that i just lost track of everything else. I have noticed how Lola has been struggling because of it. I know she misses me, i have always made time for her before. I can see it through the way she would ask if i have eaten or taken a shower or she would just try to get a reaction from me by wearing slutty lingerie during bed time but i can't let myself get destructed, i hope she will understand. I will find a way to make it up to her.

I Have been in the office since five in the morning, thank god for the coffee shop that is down the street because if they didn't open early i would be a goner by nine. "Hi stranger", Dana walked in my office. She looked different and happier, i was glad that she decided to move on because there was no such thing as settling down when i looked into Nick's future. She has been in a relationship with some guy i cared nothing about and the only reason i knew he existed was because Nick was stalking her. He still believes that she will return to him. But looking at Dana now, i don't think that will be happening. "Hi Dana, you have the worse timing", i said just when the door was opened again and infront of me was Amanda and Lola, they looked like they were going on vacation. Before i could say anything Lola looked at Dana then me and i saw hurt in her eyes as she rushed out of the office. I couldn't understand because she knew nothing was happening between me and Dana. "You are unbelievable!", Amanda said sarcastically. "What?", i asked confused. "Here i was defending you that may be you were just too busy but i see you have enough time for her than your own fiancée. Anyways i don't have time for this, we are going on a vacation so i suggest you use that time to fix whatever this is, bye", she said with anger and left the office.

"Trouble in paradise?", Dana asked pouring whiskey on her glass. "I guess you could say that", i replied releasing a breath, i did not have time for this. I had deadlines and i had to meet them, i was going to sort her after the launch. "So when are you guys getting married?", Dana asked. "On fifteenth", i said returning my attention to the laptop infront of me. "What? That's like in a month and you're here busy ignoring her? Well i can't say am surprised, you always were a workaholic", she said sipping her whiskey slowly. That got to me, it was not my fault that the launch was happening next week but i guess we just had bad timing. I took my phone trying to call Lola, it went straight to voicemail and so did Amanda's. They were giving me a silent treatment. What they didn't know was Hank was always going to be loyal to me and me alone. So i called him and he answered on the first ring, "what's going on?", i asked not wanting to waste time. "Boss, We just arrived at the airport about to board the jet, she looks shaken up but Miss Amanda and Chief are helping her coupe", there was something in his answer like disappointment but i was not going to focus on that, not today anyways. "Just watch her and update me every hour", i instructed even though he knows the drill. "Yes Boss", he answered and hung up.

It's been three hours and Hank is officially not picking up. This was the distraction i was talking about. I joined the virtual meeting with the team in Australia who told me that everything was good to go. We approved everything that was needed and we agreed that i would be there over the weekend for the launch party. I returned home where i found Maria had made dinner for me, she placed a sticky note on the fridge door telling me where it was, honestly i was not hungry but i ate because no one wants to be on Maria's bad side. The house felt bigger than usual. After taking a shower i decided to try my luck with the old man. "Son, how is the prep going?", he asked sounding out of breath. "Did i catch you in a bad time?", i had to ask, i didn't want to add another reason for Amanda to hate me. "Noup, i just had to step away from the girls considering the facts, what's up?", he asked concerned. "It's nothing major i just wanted to know if everyone is ok", i said knowing pretty well that my answer was biased, i only cared about my baby girl. "She is fine, but making this right might cost you. She is very hurt, she thinks her looks have something to do with it, that she will always have to compete with the likes of Dana. It's not looking good Son", he said releasing a breath. "I know, i will find a way to make it up to her", i vowed. "I believe you, i gotta go", he said and hung up. I thought knowing how she was would make me feel better but it just made things worse. She was my fiancée, not some girlfriend that i was hooking up with. What if i she decided that marrying me was off the table because of this? It was clear that expanding to Australia was my biggest achievement i have been working extra hard to penetrate that market and here i am, but its costing me more. I tried to sleep but failed miserably so i took my phone and went through the gallery looking at the pictures that we took together. Her smile and how tiny but perfect she looked. I closed my eyes and imagined her moans as i made love to her. I jerked off at the memories of our intimate moments, allowing the bliss to carry me to a deep slumber.