How the hell did he know what happened in my dream. I have heard of couples, close friends, even relatives sharing mutual goals, but they had a deep emotional connection to one another. Shit, the only thing I want to connect is my vagina to his dick, or at least that's what I think. Getting to know someone is hard work, and it takes patience. I have feelings for him, and I sometimes think it could be something more, maybe love, but my never-used hormones are unreliable. For all I know, I could just feel this way because I'm horny.

How do you define love? You could be with someone your whole life and not love them. You may care deeply for them, might even believe you can't live without them, but love is always filled with conditions. It changes because the person changes. We never stay the same; we experience new things that shape how we view ourselves, others, and the world every day.

People throw that word 'love' around, not really thinking of what that means, and I will be honest, my knowledge of that affection is limited. I believe if I were to ever love someone, my love would run past their imperfections. I would not let one word, their faults or lies, break my faith in them. I would fight when everyone else was telling me to give up; if it were broken, I would do anything to heal it; if he changed, I would evolve right along with him.

I am not sure if Elijah would do any of these things for me, or even if I would, but I want to find out. First, I need to figure out what the fuck is up with us sharing a dream, or maybe I was talking in my sleep, and he heard me. I have spoken in my sleep before, so that theory is not entirely far-fetched. This douche bag has to give me some answers.

I turned to Daisy, begging with my eyes for her to leave me alone with him, and she understood as soon as our gaze met. I took a deep breath and turned back around to him; his arms were folded over his chest, he was grinning, but it seemed more of a playful grin rather than a mocking one. I got a distinct feeling he enjoyed toying with me.

I hobbled towards him until close enough to poke my finger in his chest. "What is going on right now? Why were you in my dream?" I harshly whispered.

His smile was replaced with a frown while he tilted his head up. "Helena, I came into your room while you were asleep to check in on you. Daisy stepped out to speak with her family, and she didn't want you to be left alone. While you were, I guess dreaming, I heard you mumble something about a handsome pizza guy, and I got annoyed." His smile widened, giving me a full view of his perfect teeth. "I thought it would be amusing to fuck with you a little bit, and I was right. However, to my absolute delight, I found out you were dreaming of me; I assumed you were just talking nonsense in your sleep."

He started closing the gap in between us, and soon one arm was around my waist and the other around my back while his hands gripped the back of my neck tightly. He ran his nose up and down the side of my face taking in huge breaths until he came down to my channel, planting a soft kiss where he stopped.

I immediately felt a pool form between my legs, and a soft moan escaped my lips. Elijah brings the tip of his nose to my lips, gently touching them before getting his mouth to mine and biting them with his teeth. "Did you want me to touch you like this in your dreams?" He moved his hand to my breast, cupping them firmly in his grip. "Did I make your nipples this hard in that dream, my pet?" My breathing becomes erratic, and all rationality is gone at this point. "Little one, your body is yelling at me to devour it, and I don't know if I am strong enough to deny its pull." He continued his assault on my breast, squeezing and pulling my already sensitive nipples.

His hands move down my chest towards my stomach the next thing I know, leaving tingles in their wake. He starts to make his way under the gown I now notice I am wearing, and he forcefully pushes my thighs apart, resting his hand on the top of my pussy. I instantly melt in his arms, and he is supporting my weight. The feeling that erupts in me is so intense I let out a loud moan, and my eyes close. I am only aware of his hand pressing against my womanhood.

"I would love to play in this pussy all day, but you're not ready right now." A whimper comes from me, and I am utterly shocked at how I act. Like, what the hell is wrong with me? I am acting like a sex-crazed maniac. I have known Elijah all of five minutes, and all I have is one singular thought circling in my head.

I want this man to fuck me.

"I can't fuck you right now, baby girl, but I am going to make you cum." He squeezed my pussy, causing me to yelp. Did I just say 'fuck me' out loud? I am genuinely going insane, and I do not seem to mind it. He moved my panties to the side, rubbing his finger across my wet folds, making me stand on my tippy toes. "You're so responsive to my touch. Has anyone else ever touched you like this?" I was quiet, lost in the intense pressure building in me as he continued to rub circles on my clit, but he stopped when he noticed I was too lost to answer.

"Look at me." My eyes snap open at that command. "Has anyone ever fucking touched you, Helena?" I shake my head. "I want words, Helena." He squeezed my pussy, causing a mix of pain and pleasure to bolt through me. "No, Elijah, no one has ever touched me." I am shocked and embarrassed that I answered this fucker. He visibly relaxed and pushed his finger inside of me, moving in and out while his thumb continued to apply pressure on my sweet spot. My back is arching, and he is holding me up as if I weighed nothing.

"I can feel your walls tightening around my finger; I want you to remember that I am the only one to smell your cum, I am the only one to taste it, and I will be the only one to penetrate you. You fucking belong to me, and I will murder any male I smell on you." He growled in my neck.

I should have been scared out of my fucking mind over his confession of murdering any men that he smells on me, but at this point, he could have murdered the mailman, and I wouldn't have given two fucks about it. I had tunnel vision, and the only thing in my rear-view mirror was this incredible feeling building up in me and getting a release. His speed increases while he sucks my neck. "Do you want me to make you cum? I nodded and arched my back further. "You smell so fucking tempting. I can't wait until I can swallow your juices." He slipped another finger into my folds, making me scream.

Fuck the world; his fingers are the only thing that matters.

"Elijah." I moaned as I came undone in his arms, panting and resting my head on his shoulders. Once the orgasm passes and my rational mind starts awakening. Oh my god, what the hell did I do? I just let this psychopath finger me right outside on his patio. Anyone could have seen us, and what will they think of us? What will he think of me?

I hope he doesn't think less of me now.

He sucked in a breath and put me down but left his arms around my waist, brushing a few strands of hair out of my face. His eyes bore into me, and I fidget under the scrutiny of his stare.

"Your everything to me, your all I will ever want in this world; you have nothing to fear when it comes to my feelings for you." He looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time. The conviction in his voice did lessen some of my anxiety.

"How can you be so sure? I barely know anything about him, at least nothing that he shared with me, any info had come from Daisy, and I wanted him to share his life with me willingly. We hardly know each other, and we are moving extremely fast."

"Will you have dinner with me tonight, and we can talk." He shyly asked me, and I didn't understand why he would be; he knew I was ultimately into him. "Yes, as it stands, I love to eat good food with good company." I laughed and gave him a slight push to his chest.

"You're so damn soft and adorable. When will you let me fuck you?" He caressed my cheek with a pained expression.

As I stared at his beautiful face, a memory that got lost in the ecstasy of his experience hands resurfaced. This dirty motherfucker was just hugging and kissing that giraffe-looking bitch, and what is worse, he all but admitted to doing it to make me jealous. Did he think because he gave me my first orgasm, I would let that shit ride? If he wants to play a game, then so will I. I wonder how long it will take for him to explode from blue balls?

My face scrunched up into a scowl, and he looked down at me with an amused expression mixed with a little bit of surprise. I push him back a little further and put my hands on my hip rolling my eyes. "Now that I think about it, why don't you have dinner with Miranda? You, too, seem close. Who is she to you anyway?" I pout.

"She is my prize bitch, but you will replace her. I would rather thrust into you instead." He paused before tilting my chin up towards him. "Did you know the thrill of fresh pussy is exhilarating?" His smile gleamed in the twilight, and if what he said didn't upset me so much, I would have thought him handsome at that moment.

I pushed him away with all my strength, and he didn't even budge, but he released me immediately, realizing that I was trying to get away from him. I flattened my palms down the bottom of the gown, straightening myself out. Glancing around the garden, I ensured I didn't see anyone who could have possibly witnessed my humiliation. Turning back to him, I lift my lips, sending him a glare.

"Alright, demon. You like to play little fucked up games, I see." I cracked a mischievous grin folding my arms over my chest. "Let's see if I'm just as good as fucking with you as you are with me, and if fucking with your emotions turns out to be as satisfying as I hope, I will be more than happy to discuss you are deflowering me." I winked.

I stood there waiting for a response, and he just stared at me like I grew three heads and a third boob. I started, tapping my foot, and threw my hands up. "Well, do you have anything to say?" My confidence diminished by the second; maybe I was wrong; he didn't want me. I feel like I should turn around and run, but he suddenly just starts laughing. Why the hell is he laughing?

He slowly walks over to me, licking his lips and rubbing his giant hands together. "You are proving to be a most delectable little bitch. Are you sure you're ready to fuck with me? I am not gentle, Helena. I will push my cock so far in your tight little cunt; your cervix will be screaming. I will have to remind myself not to break your pelvis as I lay between your legs." He is now in front of me, and his arm snakes around my waist, pulling me closer. "I accept your terms, but I warn you once you have given yourself to me, your body, mind, and soul is fucking mine." He kissed me hard.

Our tongues are swirling in perfect unison, and I grab the back of his head, pushing him further into me. I run my tongue across his lips, sucking and biting them, and he lets out a growl. I freeze; I remember that same animal growl that night in the woods. The creature that found me had made that same sound when he licked the side of my face. I pushed back the anxiety because it was just a hallucination. It couldn't be real. Could it?

I broke our kiss, and I was more depressed about it than I thought I would be. I took a deep breath, clearing my throat. "Well, before we start hammering out the safety precautions of having you fuck me, I would like to have a little fun with you first. What time should I be ready for dinner?" I cocked my head to the side, giving him a sly grin. The wheels in my head are already spinning.

"Eight should be fine, and I will have a maid at your door a quarter before."

I turned to walk away, but I turned my head to the side, yelling over my shoulder. "See, you at eight, my future ex-husband." I left a laughing Elijah on the patio and went through the double doors leading to the house.

Once I was in, I headed back down the same hallway as before, stopping to stare at the same picture of Dante's Inferno. It was a marvelous painting, and I wish I could take it with me when I leave here. I opened the doors to the bedroom I was staying in, and I was not surprised to see Daisy on the bed flipping through a magazine. She smiles at me when I approach and raises her eyebrows.

"Is Elijah done making you cum?" She laughs as I make a giant O with my mouth. How in the hell did she know what happened? "Don't worry, I was not outside eavesdropping on you guys; you just smell like him now." She shrugged.

I will have to file this bullshit in another folder for further review, just like the rest of the freaky shit going on. I have more pressing matters to intend to, and that is making that orgasm stealing asshole suffer. To do that, I need Daisy's help.

"I was going to fill you in on him later, but I have a favor to ask. I know you don't like to upset him, which you need to explain at some point, but I need you to help me get out of here before eight tonight." I smiled.

"Why do you need to leave?" She frowned her face up.

"Honestly, Daisy. I do not know what the hell is going on right now, but Elijah is.... someone important to me, and something is happening between us; I am pretty sure he can feel it too, but long story short, he was using Miranda to get back at me for something I said. When I saw him hug and kiss her, I felt so sick I threw up. I have to get back at him somehow, and he wants me to have dinner with him tonight to discuss us. I have no intentions of making this easy for him, so I plan to ghost his ass for a couple of days. He doesn't know where I live so I won't see him until Monday. Hopefully, a few days without contact might make him miss me a little more."

She gave me an evil laugh. "I am so down for that; Elijah should have never brought that pack whore here once he felt the bond. We can leave in the next ten minutes; the guards will be on shift change." She went to the drawer pulling out a pair of sweatpants, socks, and sweater for me to put on. Out of all of the things, she said I only registered two things. She was helping me get out of here, and he had guards.

"Why the hell does he have security?" I grabbed the sweatpants and sweatshirt and started putting them on. " He always has protection but ordered more guards since you arrived." My head snapped up so fast I almost got whiplash. "Why do I need guards? I was only going to be here just a couple of days." I walked to the edge of the bed, getting my shoes and pocketbook.

"Let's just say he is very protective over you right now, and I am not sure he wants you to leave even when Monday gets here." She looked at me, and it seemed like she was trying to judge my reaction.

Daisy is my best friend, and I don't feel like she would judge anything I said to her, so admitting to her what I already felt just seemed suitable. "I would stay here forever with him, and I probably will someday, but today is not the fucking day. We have a war of wills right now, and that bastard has already won one battle. I have got to get even with him." I swung the pocketbook over my shoulder, indicating I was ready to go.

"I like your style, Luna. Let's get back to your house, and then I can tell you what has been going on with me." A smile so bright-lit her face up and the happiness I felt from here matched what I felt when I think of Elijah. I am curious to know who the hell this guy is that has her smiling like a fool.

"I can't wait to hear it, babe. How are we getting out of here? I whispered as I got closer to her.

"The guards are changing shift, and they will back in five minutes, so that is our window to get to the garage, in the car, and out the gate before it closes. It is about a forty-five-minute drive back into town." She replied while opening the door and leading me down an opposite hallway, through two gates, into a garage with about twenty cars.

She stopped in front of a white Lexus RX pulled the keys out of her pocket while opening the door. I raise my eyebrow, getting into the passenger side. "Is this your new car? I have been indisposed for a couple of days, and you go and buy a car." She laughs and starts driving out of the garage, through the gate, and onto the highway of freedom.

"Oh, this little thing was a gift from my boyfriend. I meet him the night of Elijah's party, which is what I have been dying to tell you." She puts her left signal light on, ushering us to the interstate; I will be home in no time. I let out a gasp at the word 'boyfriend.' As beautiful as Daisy is, I have never seen her look at any guy before. Sure, I've seen men throw themselves at her, but she just rejects them and keeps it moving. Something must have been exceptional about this guy.

"Whoa, who the fuck buys you a car after three days of being with you? Friend, you must have golden goose between your legs, or your mouth game is impeccable." I laughed and gave her arm a slight push.

We start giggling hysterically, and I am clutching my stomach as I cannot seem to stop laughing at her expression. "What can I say, Mama, got that comeback pussy. No, all jokes aside, he is the one I have been waiting for. He completes me, and no other man will complete me the way he does. Thank the Moon Goddess; I saved myself for him." She let out a sigh.

"Wait a minute, are you saying you think this guy is your soulmate?" I let out an exasperated sigh. "Daisy, I already told you there is no such thing as that. Don't get me wrong; I am so glad you found someone that makes you feel like that; I just want you to be careful; I would hate to break his fucking legs for hurting you." I grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You're my best friend, and I do not want to witness your heartbreaking."

She glances back at me and then at the road. "You're my best bitch too, Helena. But don't worry, Jax would never hurt me. I want you to hear me out before you dismiss the whole soulmate thing that I have been trying to get you to understand. When my eyes met Jax, I instantly knew that he was the one for me. His smile, voice, body all captivated me in such a way that nothing existed in this world other than him and me. I can feel him when he is near; his feelings come to me like they're my own, and anytime he touches me, I turn into a blubbering idiot ready to fuck all night." She gave me a sheepish grin. "But there is more to it than that, I love him past my spirit and into my soul, I would lay down my life for his if I had to, I will protect him from any and everything that wishes to do him harm, and the mere thought of someone having what is mine sets my blood on fire." She let out a ferocious growl, louder than what I am used to her doing. I cringe back a little bit.

"Slow down, killer; I do not want your man. I got enough testosterone issues to deal with as it is. I am still not sold on this whole soulmate shit, but I have to admit I have similar feelings for Elijah, and I am not sure what the hell to do about it. I do not know if I love him as much as you seem to love Jax, but I cannot deny the pull I feel when he is near, and honestly, I am pushing myself to go home and not tell you to turn this car around right now. The further I seem to get from him, the more intensely I feel pain from not being with him."

I crutched my stomach as I admitted what I had felt since we left his home.

I chew the inside of my mouth, hoping she does not think my ass is completely losing it. I am telling her I feel physical pain from not being with him. I assumed my period was coming on, and I was getting those right before cramps, but the more I think about being in his arms, the pain seems to lessen, not enough to go away completely, but enough to make it tolerable.

She gives me a concerned look. "It only hurts right now because you two are creating havoc with the bond, you haven't consummated it, and he needs to mark you. The soulmate bond is very fragile; it does not like being misused; you should be very careful how far you wish to play these games with him." She gave me a pointed look.

That is the second time I heard the word 'mark' since I woke up. Elijah said the same thing to me in my dream. How could she know about it? I never told her about my dream of Elijah and the meadow. Maybe, I heard her say it before, and I just incorporated it into my imagination. Another thing to file away into my folder of fucked up shit, but my eagerness to know more about this bond cannot be helped.

"Daisy, are you saying that this bond or connection that we have is alive; it has a mind of its own? So, I do not feel what I would normally feel for him; it is just this magical connection pushing me towards him?" I gave her a side glance.

"No, what I am saying is this bond manifests what you feel and multiplies it by a hundred. The bond is in place to help you both reach the maximum level of pleasure and spiritual enlightenment with one another. It will allow you to see and feel what he cannot say, to guide you to a space in his heart where only you will exist. The love you will experience with him will transcend anything you have ever felt. Not to mention, it will give you guys the extra push to create divine off-springs."

I almost choked on my salvia bitch. I do not have any babies any time soon. For fuck sake, I am only seventeen. There will be no tiny invader in my body sucking up all my nutrients, no ma'am, not me. Daisy is deep into some bullshit.

"Have you and Jax fucked." I asked

"Girl, I have fucked him on every surface in my house, the car, the woods, and even in the car dealership's bathroom, and I cannot wait to get me some more tonight. He has cum in me more times than I can count." She seemed so happy at this prospect, and I am concerned for her mental health.

"Bitch, are you insane. You do not want to have a baby this young; you need to get on birth control immediately. He hasn't even married you yet; what are you thinking?" I screamed at her, letting disapproval color my tone.

"I already told you, Helena, he is it for me. I am only doing what comes naturally to us both, and right now, you do not understand, but you will. Furthermore, I would like for you to support me and not judge my life decisions." She scowled.

At that statement, I reflected on my feelings towards her situation, and she was right. Just because I couldn't understand her choice does not mean I had the right to belittle her. She was my friend, and at least she felt comfortable enough to confide in me her foolish plan. I just hope it all works out for her in the end.

"I am not judging you; I am only worried about you. I have witnessed firsthand what loving someone past the point of yourself does to you. The world is riddled with women who thought their lives started and ended with a man, only to be let down and abused by the one person they thought would be there to protect them. I would not be a good friend if I did not at least try to protect you from that kind of heartache." I looked out the window, noticing that we were in town limits and were about ten minutes from my house.

Thoughts of my father and mother plague my mind, and I can only pray that I, too, will not experience that kind of pain. I can recall on several occasions hearing my mother scream and cry over the words and things he did to her, and I have seen how those scars pushed her towards even more hurtful men. She could not heal from them, and they kept getting re-opened day by day.

Daisy's voice brings me out my thoughts. "You nor I will experience what your mother or any other women may have felt. Their stories will not be ours; we have been blessed beyond belief, and I cannot wait to see the glow on you when you accept it." She gives my shoulders a gentle squeeze.

"So, when should I start buying pampers?" I laughed as we pulled up to my house. She just laughs and opens her door heading to the front porch. I reach under the eave in pull the spear key out, opening the door. Once we are in, I turn on the living room lights and head for the kitchen, where I notice a note is hanging under one of the refrigerator magnets.

Helena, Lucas, and I went to Madison for the weekend. I left some leftovers in the fridge, and I put your clean laundry in the room for you. There are a hundred dollars under your pillow, along with the emergency credit card in case anything happens. I hope you and Daisy had fun this weekend, and hopefully, we will be back by Monday. Call me, baby, if you need anything. Mom loves you very much. I will miss you. Take care.

I smiled at the note, folded it, and put it in the pocket of my sweatpants. I opened the fridge to see what my mother cooked, and I was excited to see Lasagna in the plastic container. I pulled it out and set it on the counter, removing the top. I glance at Daisy to see her sitting on the stool texting someone, probably this mystery guy Jax.

"Do you want some," I asked as I placed a slice on a plate, putting it in the microwave for two minutes. Daisy shakes her head. "Sorry, babe, but you might be eating alone. Jax wants to take me out for a little bit." I pout at the realization I will be alone. "You can come if you want to; I do not mind spending time with the two people I love." I smile at her lovable self. "It is alright; go be with your man, but please try to refrain from making little demons tonight." I made a disgusted frown as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I cannot promise you that, girly." I open my mouth to say something but a knock at the door stops me. "Don't worry; it's just Jax. I texted him your address." She moves past me to answer the door. When she opens it, my mouth falls open at the man standing in the doorway. He is gorgeous. I see why the bitch wants to make babies with him. He pulls her into him, backing her up and closing the door.

He pushes her into the wall while his hands are still on his throat. All I can hear is the slurping and moans of their kiss. I clear my throat. "I would prefer you two to not fuck on my walls; I do not think my mom would appreciate that." I smiled as they pulled themselves together, and Jax walked towards me, hand extended.

"This must be the Luna, Helena. It is a great pleasure to meet you." I shake his hand, peeking over his shoulder to give Daisy a confused glare. What is Luna? I heard Daisy call me that earlier, my folder of retarded shit said in this town is getting overloaded. She just gives me a shrug and runs over to Jax, hugging him from behind.

I cross my arms over my chest, sending him a glare. I point my finger directly in his chiseled chest and tilt my head up since he is a whole foot taller than me, like the rest of the overgrown fuckers. "If you hurt my fucking flower, my foot is going so far up your ass; you will be taking a shit through your mouth. You got that, dude?"

"No need to worry, tiny one; she is safe and loved with me, as she should be." He pulls her in front of him, putting his nose in her neck, running his nose up and down.

"I have already told Helena not to worry, you and I are meant for each other, but she does not believe me," Daisy said.

"How does she not believe you when she has her own...." Daisy elbows him in the stomach before he can finish his sentence, making me wonder why she made him stop. I frown, my face up, confused at her actions. What did she not want me to know? What is it that I have my own of?

"What is he talking about, Daisy?" She gives me a shy look. "It is nothing, Helena; just go and relax; I will be back within a few hours. This guy owes me some serious us time." She nudges him, and he smiles up to her lovingly.

"Fine, Fine, just call me when you're on your way." I push them towards the door, shut it, and turn on the front porch light. I make my way back to the kitchen, grab my food out of the microwave, a can of Sprite out the fridge, and head towards the living room. I pull my phone out, and the time is eight-thirty. Elijah should realize now that I am not meeting him for dinner and smile at the thought of him losing his shit.

I turn the television on, searching through the apps, finding Crunchyroll; I turn on a re-run of Dragonball Super and lay down on the couch, throwing the blanket over my legs. I thought he would have called me by now, but I realize my dumb ass never gave him my phone number. Oh, well, I will just see him Monday at school.

Once I am done eating, I put the plate on the coffee table and lay down feeling tired. I also feel a knot in my stomach, and the pressure is awful. I wish my fucking period would just hurry up and come on. The faster that bitch gets here, the faster it will leave. I do not remember when I fell asleep, but the television has turned itself off when I wake up, and the entire living room is dark.

I get up, stretching my arms out and yawing. I grab my phone to check the time and see if Daisy has called me yet. It's about eleven-thirty, and no missed calls from Daisy or anyone. I sighed and threw my phone on the table. "Stupid fucking Elijah, I should have got his number," I mumbled to myself.

I make my way to the hall bathroom to pee, and while I am washing my hands, I hear a loud boom, like the front door was being kicked open. I peek my head out of the bathroom, feeling scared. "Hello? Mom is that you." I asked only to be met with silence. I muster up some courage and head down the hallway to the front door. It's wide open, but the wind is blowing like crazy, so I assume I did not lock it, and the wind pushed it open.

"You're losing your shit, Helena," I murmured.

I start walking back towards the living room when someone grabs me, and I begin to scream, but I am pushed into the wall, hitting my head, and a hand is placed over my mouth.