Chapter Eighty Seven

Mia's point of view

My biological father has not been looking happy and I was quite worried about him. I was worried about a lot of things, there are times whereby I feel they were all hiding something from me. I have seen the look on their faces, even uncle Macho has been staying away from me. 

"Hey, look here. You are zoning out," Matteo whined. I rolled my eyes as I snickered. Matteo was teaching me self defense and he was seriously acting like a very good teacher. 

"Come on pay attention Mia, Bend your knees forward and stretch your hands." he ordered, stretching his own and knees. I fought the urge to chuckle. But I did as he said. I was hungry and tired, but I did not want to complain to Matteo, so it won't look like I was ungrateful.