Chapter 102

Anthonio Mafidisolo's point of view

Alessia hasn't stopped following me around, one would think she is in love with me or something. But I alone know she is not. I have been trying my best to make her get free with me, but seems like she is so adamant. We have been living like couples, doing what couples do. But that does not make us fully a couple. I have no idea of why she is resisting me. Maybe she does not want to get too attached or she is just scared of liking me. But it is not like she can escape me. She will still get use to me whatever the case is. 

"One who think she is jealous of me," Cara my sister said in between laughter. 

"I wish that was true." I replied. 

"But it is true Anthonio, did you see her face. She was literally angry. She might have killed me if she could." Cara said, rolling her eyes in the process.