Abyssal graveyard

Ugh... How should I put... This situation is awkward. Why is he still following me with that smirk look on his face? I have never felt this much uncomfortable in my life also this is the first time I'm running outs of ways to have a conversation with someone.

The sudden appearance out of nowhere, the bossy attitude, abusing people's names coldheartedly, the regal teal color blazer with unusual markings on the shoulder, and most importantly the eerie vibe that gives me creeps.

Zyun takes a long sigh as he tries to flush out all the stress from overthinking.

Well for now I will just take him to Gin's place, we are enclosing towards the guild so his house shouldn't be that far.

I want to see how their interaction will go because... there is one more aura I can sense from this guy... a hollow yet menacing aura, something that is almost similar to death..my instincts tell me this guy is dangerous... I must not let my guard down.

Near Zyun's bare neck, Abyss extends his middle finger and shoots out an air of freezing wind.

"Eeek" Zyun shrieks as he felt a sudden wave of chill sending down his spine.

"Sorry, you were tensing up. So, I had to do it" Abyss exclaims with a straight face.

"Why are you saying that as if that is the most justified action to do and also don't put up that face. it is making it worse!"

"So Jiju"

"Is Zyun."

"Ok. Jiju what are you guys doing for your guild event this time." Abyss asked ignoring Zyun acclaims.

"Ugh..." Zyun takes a short pause.

"We are having 3 days event. On the first day, the participants have to go inside the Lymidea forest and dug out the pieces of the artifact we have hidden..some are hidden carefully near the river banks and some are hidden beside monster caves, but if our guild members encounter the monsters, they have no choice to fight, the monsters fall are under D class so it will be fine.

At the end of 1 hr time the participant who collected the most artifacts win. For the second day, the participants have to collect the eggs of Lesser Wyrmns which are only found at the top end of the Eucalyptus tree flying is prohibited in this game and the for the last-"

"Basic" Abyss interrupts with a disappointed tone. "What is this some kind of treasure hunt and climbing contest and also every guild has been doing these kinds of stuff every year".

"Haha, true" Zyun fakes his laugh to hide the embarrassment.

To be honest I can't blame him all these event objectives are kinda dull and lackluster, especially the last one..which was proposed by Mavis…and that is the only thing she ever did for the entire event! Zyun screams internally.

"If I knew that bitch will hold such a drop-dead event, I won't have agreed to give away 5000 gold coins for the event." Abyss sigh.

So, my hunch was right, Gin was relying on Abyss even for this event.

"By the way-"

"Ah, I just remembered something really important. let's hurry up, I don't want to be late for my sleep."

"Yeah, sure...".

Why is it so difficult to start a conversation with this guy and didn't he just show up a few minutes ago?

Hmph? Were you planning to say something?

"Umm yeah... so, Abyss-san?...

"Just Abyss is fine. You are making yourself look weirder by adding san to my name."

Oi did this guy just insult me..for giving him respect!

"So, Abyss, Gin told me that you have been helping him since the beginning when he started the guild. Is there any specific reason behind it?"

"Let's see. There are many reasons... like making sure the stadium is protected from various threats but it seems i overlooked that. Abyss bend his eyes towards Zyun as he said. "And another being..just for fun"

"For fun?"

"Yes, doing charity work is good karma. Just throw some gold coins on the ground, within a few seconds they will be swarmed by flies. And watching these despicable flies fight among themselves for gold while sitting on a throne is fun to watch.

"That is not doing charity!"

"Huh? What are you talking about, you aren't making any sense? You seriously need to start doing some charity work if you want some coupons when you reach heaven, Jijo. Though I highly doubt is gonna happen for you." Abyss then smiles.

"For the third time, I am telling you my name is Zyun."

As Zyun and Abyss walk past down the forest road leading towards Gin's house. Zyun eyes quickly caught the attention of the guild door swung open.

Why is the guild door open... there is light coming out as well... is someone there inside? No one should be able to enter the guild since I have the key with me.

"Sorry, I am going to check something" saying that Zyun quickly rushed towards the guild to see what was happening inside. upon reaching the guild he sees-

"A party??" Zyun exclaims in awe.

Most of the guild members including Aymi were gathered there for some reason. All the tables are packed, food was also served and everyone was in the party spirit with bursting laughter and noise.

From Zyun's behind Abyss walks in. He silently observes each of the scenes in the guildhall as he slowly makes his way to the guy enjoying his drink with a white-clad girl around his age at the bar.

"Yo," a cold dense voice broke into the deep conversation between Gin and Selene, both of them were startled and quickly look back in the direction of the voice only to be met with the eyes that are making them feel they don't deserve to live in this world.

"ahhhh damn ...it is you Abyss, can't u greet normally, my soul almost left my body".

"Well, that is disappointing that you are still alive" Abyss replied.

"hahahaa always a cold-hearted guy" Gin jokes.

"ah~ so this is the infamous Abyss-san, it is a pleasure to have you here." The girl who covers herself with a gothic white-clad cloak joins the conversation.

Abyss paying no heed to Selene turns to Gin "So are all the preparation done for the events". "Yeah, it was lots of work at the beginning. But thanks to Selene over here and others we were able to complete it in time".

"yes~….it was tiresome, especially training those morons, but thanks to my passionate training pieces of advice, they're ready " Selene put a smirk on her face as she said that.

"Anyway, I am going back I just came here to check you and the condition of the event and unfortunately…. it seems you are doing well".

"Come on at least join us for a drink" Gin slowly walk his way toward Abyss and put his shoulder around him "But you got the prize money, right?" Gina whispered. Abyss kept his silence. "U can give it to me now while fewer people are watching us".

"Selene?" She didn't do anything. All she did was give orders to people and why is Gin so much giving credit to her. I was the one who-

From Abyss's body, a hazy dark smoke started to leak, seeing this Zyun shouts.

"Gin watch out!"

But it was too late. From his body, Abyss sends out a dark wave passing through Gin and everyone in the room.

As soon as Zyun feels the wave passing through him his body started to lose control.

What is this...I'm losing my balance..Ah...I can't stand properly..saying that Zyun fell to the ground on his knee.

Everyone quickly shifts their attention towards Zyun and it seems for some reason no one saw or felt the dreadful wave sent out by Abyss.

"Senpai! Aymi quickly rushed towards Zyun to help him.

"Are you alright senpai..get hold of yourself together" Aymi shouts.

Damn...I can't..what the heck is this ...everything around me is wrapping inside..this is making me dizzy...ahhh...Something is burning inside me as well... urghhh!

Zyun's body temperature rose like a blazing furnace. He starts to breathe heavily in response to the heat spreading his body like a wildfire.

Aymi quickly taps over Zez's head.

"Ouch...what the heck is this... his body is burning up. I could even hear his heartbeat till here... I have never seen anything like this. Gin-san.. senpai is acting really weird... his body is burning up... we have to do something...

"Zyun...Zyun are you okay..." Gin rushed towards Zyun as well.

"What happened to him...ouch..my hand burnt just by touching him.

"I dunno. he was fine a moment ago..." Aymi then quickly turned to everyone "is there anyone who specializes in healing magic..please... Zyun senpai needs immediate treatment... someone please." Aymi's voice starts to go desperate as she calls for help.

"I will get some cold water... please look after senpai."

"ahh..yeah.." Gin replies.

Saying that Aymi quickly dashed out to the kitchen.

But despite being his name called out several times desperately Zyun could only hear the vague of it.

Puff... ha... ha ...Damn...I don't think I can hold much longer, Urgh... I'm losing consciousness. Zyun then glance at everyone while struggling to keep his composure... how come is everyone fine..didn't they feel that...

saying that he turns to the culprit, Abyss who is facing at the side, away from him paying no heed.

Abyss what the fuck have you done to me...

As Zyun eyes struggle to keep his vision, the surrounding beside Abyss starts to transform. the walls, the tables, and the guild bar slowly start to replace with vague images of a murky sky.

In a short period, the whole guild vanishes, and Zyun finds himself staring into a limitless sky of rumbling dark clouds pacing forth above him. Thunder rumbles continuously and pierces through heaven as it roars.

Away from the building he is standing in, he sees multiple wreckages of houses and buildings sinking in the sea. With a loud rumbling sound, the tall enormous building which has a strong foundation rips itself apart and falls into the ocean.

Somehow, Zyun is transported into the scene of a sundering of a mysterious city. Water gushes out from the roads and engulfs everything in its path, the constant rise of sea tides drags down statues and elevated structures of the city beneath the wave.

The surrounding place fills with echoes of rumbling thunders and the sound of collapsing buildings and houses into the sea.

In front of him, he notices Abyss wearing a tricorn that matches his uniform, standing a few distances away from him.

He glances at Abyss to make sure it is him because the person in front has an unfathomable aura that no one should be supposed to have, so sinister yet hollow.

Under the strong chilling wind, he stood there motionless with a stone expression facing sideway. He wears the expression of someone devoid of human feelings and reeks of loneliness.

"Abyss?" Zyun mutters in a very weak voice.

Suddenly the edges of the platform where Zyun is standing start to crumble and falls apart. The platform finally collapses and falls alongside Zyun.

"Abyss!" Zyun stretches his hands as he calls out for desperate help but Abyss stands there motionless without doing anything as if he either doesn't notice a thing that is happening or doesn't care about Zyun.

Zyun descends alongside the debris and vanishes under the bottom of pitch-black darkness.

[In the midnight zone, there is a trench that separates the world of the living and the damned.

Inside my mausoleum there lies the key he seeks. you must retrieve it before they come for me and listen carefully, don't trust the word of the living, trust only the death, because dead men tell no lies, be quick, half-elf, the time is running out. the time to decide the fate of the world is encroaching.]

That voice...what did he mean by key... was it a dream?

Zyun slowly opens his eyes as he hears the noise of an unusual sound creaking near him.

No this is not a dream... this is a nightmare.

His eyes meet upon the wreckage of an enormous battleship resting upon a cliff and in front of him lays a sight of hundreds of tombstones scattered beside him.

Zyun notices that the graveyard is lit up with sunlight coming from above while every side of the place is surrounded by absolute darkness.

After scanning the environment, Zyun can confirm the dreadful situation he is in right now... although he can't tell where the exact location but he can confirm that he is somewhere trapped beneath the ocean with no hopes of coming out.