The event begins

The flare went off at sharp 2 pm and the grand event of the comradeship has begun...

Yahoo is me…. your all-time favorite commentator K-kun. it has been a while since you heard from me. the guild couldn't hire a commentator so I nominated myself.

now let's see..hmm it seems our contestants have already headed towards the Lymedia falls for their first objective.

Ah~ what do we have here a young boy desperately finding the event map, must have lost it somewhere inside the forest.

let's see ahh here it is ...a small piece of paper under his right foot. why can't he see that?

Listen, folks, that's what happens when you always look down on people but never validate your standing... means never look down on people who are higher than you also he can't hear me, anyway.

oh, a spoiler by the way he is about to die soon.

anyway, let's zoom out a bit and see how everyone is doing..others seem to be doing quite well so far..hopping from location to location and digging out so-called "artifacts".

Especially this one she is ahead of the pack ... she is rushing with some kind of blue flare out from her shoes..that seems to consume her magic and... she is using it very efficiently by going to the location where she can bring it out with her whip.

And for some reason, she is heading far east deep inside the forest, away from others... I wonder why~

Now look at this... someone is moving to the extreme right corner of the forest straight to the black howler's cave. Black howler loves humans so much that they decorate their cave with human bones and this idiot doesn't seem to notice the warning on her way.

is she even looking at the map? miss, little miss turn back oops I forgot she can't hear me teehee~

Next, we have a team…oh it seems they're arguing about something... one of them is ordering the rest to split and collect the artifacts and the other guy in the red bandana wants to work as a team...

orders huh? reminds me of the olden times when I was ordered forcefully to destroy a country just for "show". Those were some fun and memorable times.

now look at this ...they're fighting... the bossy guy is enhancing his sword with some kind of strange magic the sword is starting to get bigger..and the bandana guy is charging his staff with some fire magic... this is interesting...

oh wait, the sword handle crushed him. He forgot to complete the spell before the sword gets even bigger and the other guy is already on the floor after taking a flame shock which he is supposed to target his opponent.

You see these are more the reasons enough to come out and peek from time to time. You guys are the entertainment itself. And probably that's y he and I love messing with you'll to free our boredom, kek.


"Fanny, what's the condition here" Zyun enquires Fanny as he slowly flies towards him riding on a tamed Wilderbeast, a beast that has the face of a falcon with a long body and big wingspan.

"Ah Zyun senpai, great timing am about to head toward some places in the forest area to look for some of our people". Fanny said while riding on

"Oh, what happened? Have some of our guild members gone missing?" Zyun grows concerned.

"Hmm most likely. You see ever since the event started... I was looking at the list earlier, and the amount of people in this area doesn't match up with how should it have been".

"What do u mean by that?" Zyun asked.

"This area should have at least 10 people ….

Fanny pulls out a compass kind of tool from his pocket.

"The sensor you gave me to track them all down by sensing the mana..but no matter how many times I scanned ...only 6 people are here". "

"So, 4 people have gone missing…. either they're ambushed by some local beasts or..they moved out from your sensor range...". Zyun starts murmuring as he processes his thought.

"haha, probably the device is ranged limited so most probably must have accidentally moved exit the event area."

Zyun takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Although we have warned and instructed them continuously to check their maps," Zyun said in a disappointing tone.

"But hope that is the case... rather than getting attacked by some monster which they can't fight against. Wait... 10 people? The total number of participants is 40."

"About that...I wanted to ask you about that senpai." Fanny's voice starts growing serious. "Ever since the event has started, people are scattered in different directions. I don't think they're doing it on purpose but I saw heading towards the southeast region..."

"Southeast... if you go further inside then it is No Passed zone."

"Yes senpai, that's what I'm really worried about. Kazu and Fyo are already there. they said their map points towards their direction."

"What? I never recalled hiding any artifacts in that zone more over the event zone should be limited to south of Lymedia forest. Who distributed the maps?

"That old woman, Selene"

"Selene...why would she? Ahhh god damn." Zyun let out a frustrated cry. "Fanny go and pick up Fyo and others who went to the No Passed zone quickly. I will go and talk to Gin about this."

"Roger, senpai"

"Blue let's go back" saying that Zyun softly pats his Wilderbeast.

At his command, the beast takes flaps his enormous wings, take a U-turn, and fly towards the arena, where Gin and the villagers of Gardania are watching.

I just came here 20 minutes late and there is already chaos. Finally, our guild event has been set in motion but things aren't going the way I planned.

This is a disaster, from where is Selene handing out the fake maps. The maps I created after careful examination shouldn't cover the north and southeast regions because dangerous monsters are lurking there, and our members will fall prey.

I am having a bad feeling about this. In the worst case, we need to cancel the event... which I want to avoid. Tch, God damn it.

Meanwhile near the southeast region of the Lymedia forest in a very dense forest...

"Guys we are going to participate in this event as a team. Guys we are going to win this event as a team. Guys" Fyo squeaks her voice and tries to imitate Fanny.

"Um...Fyo whom are you trying to imitate here"

"Then just before the event...Guys sorry I'm going to drop out and help Zyun senpai HEHE...good luck. I will cheer from above HEHE."

in anger, Fyo's eye brown sunk harder than any deep pit and her face transformed to an Oni.

"That "Hehe" boy, just let this day end and I will make a minced meat out of him."

"Ugh...But don't worry Fyo I'm here, we are definitely going to win the event and get that 5000 gold coins for sure"

hearing that exclaims, Fyo looks at Kazu with a teary face

"Kazu..." Fyo said in an emotional voice.

"How the fuck are we going to win when we haven't found a single artifact and... moreover how are we supposed to get free from them!"

With their hands and feets tied on two separate bamboos and their bodies hanging upside down, Kazu and Fyo are being carried by a band of marching enormous monkeys.

The monkeys chatter and checker as they march along with their precious captives.

"They're monkeys, Fyo. They're harmless. I'm sure they wanted to play with us. Should be around the time they will set you free"

"They're Umpa Humpas, they're omnivores, you idiot. There didn't want to play with us in the first place. they want to eat us"

"Eh..what" Kazu then turns to one of the Umpa Humpas who is carrying Kazu tied on the bamboo.

"You guys aren't going to eat us, right?" He asked nervously.

The Umpa Humpas then turn to one of his nearby comrades and start squeaking out amusingly.

Sweats start to run down intensively from Kazu face after seeing their reaction.

"Oh me for these dumb bitches...Kamisama!" Fyo screams out at the top of her lung as she feels exasperated out from falling in endless loop of misfortune.

But her cries for help turned out to be futile as the Umpa Humpas marched deeper carrying them inside the darkest zone part of the forest.