Everything has shifted

55 minutes before the summoning of Cynnedrin.

Here in this big arena, people are growing restless and some of the elders in the venue have already dozed off.

The audience area consists of members of the comradeship and some locals, as the only guild of Gardania some people just gather there not just for interest but for the sake of it.

They know they won't expect much of a big show like the events from Ruins and Terabritha but experiencing firsthand an event with live reports getting cut every minute and worst of all without a commentator they regretted a lot and the guild members...

They're just there just so they won't get kicked out from the guild in the worst-case scenario that is.

The big audience screen in front of them is given live reports and screening by the Dark eyes. These abnormal size eyeball with wings is a low-level demon class and can be summoned by mages even by apprentice level, they're used for detection but most popularly for events to send live reports.

At the entrance, Zyun just landed on his Wilderbeast Blue, to give out the event reports to Gin.

"Is almost time for the first round to be over, I hope we can carry out the next event without less hassle" Zyun sighed.

Blue slowly bent his long neck over Zyun and stare with his two bulged eye empathetically over his master's worry.

"Blue can you go and bring Fanny back," Zyun asked as he pat his cute little drake over the head. "I'm worried about the missing members but the sun is about to set and there are many things we have to discuss with the other officers for tomorrow. We can set a search party tomorrow".

Blue nod his head obediently and using his two strong wings thrust the ground and flew in the direction of Lymmedia's falls.

"Ah isn't that red hoodie senpai" a voice came from the entrance of the arena.

Two people a violet-headed girl with light mail armor and a hunk with fully equipped plate armor approached throughout Zyun.

"Liz, Grath long time no see." Zyun greets them with a smile.

"What do ya mean by the long time it is been a week since we left for the quest" The girl with a short purple hair replied

"ahaha...ah really? Thought you guys were gone for a month."

"You are quite hopeless…senpai." Liz sighs.

"Zyun senpai it's been a while." Garth joins the conversation while supporting a huge sword on his shoulder.

"Garth. It seems u have gotten a new sword again." Zyun said.

"Oh, this? This is my life sworn partner! He points his sword at the sky as he declared triumphantly. I got it as a reward a few days back from Florence, the finest blacksmith we have been doing... I called it has 'ERADICATOR".

Garth grabs the hilt of the sword and triumphantly points at the sky.

"Ahh yes... because of that we had to spend 2 nights in the open forest just to bring back a dark howler pelt... Thinking about the periods of sleep in the forest while those creepy insects are lurking somewhere near us…makes my skin crawls like crazy..." Liz rubs her shoulders as she reminiscences the horrible experience she went through in the mission.

"But it was worth it."

" What do you mean by it was worth it …u only got benefit from that mission reward... listen we are definitely going to Florence to buy my new armor again" Liz looks straight into Garth so that he understood her request clearly.

"Oh yeah Zyun senpai, how is the event going?" Garth asked.

"Well, there are some issues but the rest; everything is going smoothly as planned. Hopefully, this will gain some popularity at the end and may even end up in the GODS list." Zyun replied.

GODS is a guild-chart, that ranks all the guilds across the world by their performance by the members of the guild in every field such as tournaments, how many missions are completed in a day, and how many are promoted in a given period.

"You are optimistic as ever senpai... sorry to break you out but our guild is way too far for those achievements;

I know you are trying your best but the rest especially Ventix and Selene they're just lazing around we joined this guild because we knew Gin from a very young age and he asked to join. We hardly care about the reputation and kinds of stuff." Liz responds.

"you guys are the founders right, I only came to know that just recently, but given time I'm sure we can work together, it has been only a year since the guild was founded and the majority including me are new here, I'm sure by time slowly we can build a strong guild like Ruins."

" Yeah... say senpai why do you want to enter the GODS list."

Zyun hesitated for a moment.

"I mean it will be nice to be popular and recognized by the other guilds ha-ha..."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, Gin has asked to meet him at the meeting hall."

"Damn I need to go there... ok Liz and Garth I will catch ya soon. By the way, Garth, have u seen Ventix along with Gin as well?" Zyun asked as he wanted to clarify if Ventx ever showed up at the event.

" Ventix senpai? No clue. because it was Selene that told us that V wanted to meet you.

"Selene... anyway I got to go. Next time you guys better participate." Zyun quickly turns ahead and gears himself to head inside the arena

"Aye, aye, sir. Oh, wait Zyun senpai hold for a second."


Liz rush over to Zyun and whispers. "So how is Zyun X Kuro going?"

Zyun is flustered by the question and his face starts to glow like an ember. "Wait...wh-whaat...what do ya mean by that". He stuttered.

"Well seems like you haven't made any progress" Liz gave a disappointed look.

"Listen, zezo senpai" Liz close herself with Zyun's face. "The early bird always gets the prey from the rest of the flock," Liz said in a serious tone.

"Ehh" Zyun took a step back. "I and Kuro are just friends…nothing more" Zyun replied with a blush on his face.

Liz sighed.

"Anyway, I have to go now. Don't want to keep Gin, waiting... We will talk more tonight at the guildhall about your A tier mission" Zyun composed himself and tends to leave after saying.

"Also, about Kuro too" Liz added with a playful attitude.

"Bye then red hoodie senpai, you better treat us tonight"

Liz and Garth shortly departed afterward, but Zyun was left with deep thought.

"Selene…wasn't she supposed to be patrolling as well. Anyway, I will just go there and find it out."

By saying that Zyun heads over to the 2nd floor where the meeting hall is just the opposite the audience venue.

"Hmm, the door is not locked properly. Is Gin really inside" Zyun wonders as he stood in front of the meeting hall.

He knows his guild master will never leave the door open or even a small crack between the door as Gin always finds it really uncomfortable whether it be in the meeting or in his leisure time.

"Gin, I'm coming in," Zyun said and he quietly enters, the room was dark, even in broad daylight, there was hardly any light entering the room.

Footsteps echoed as he entered the room as if he is the only soul in that entire big hall, making him feel really uncomfortable with the atmosphere.

At the other end of the room, Gin sat silently on his chair motionless. "Gim, why are u here, shouldn't you be watching with Abyss ...speaking about Abyss did he even show up... I didn't notice him at all, and yeah, the rest of the event is going smoothly, although Selene and Ventix were not present there, and Fanny handle some of the issues that arise during the event... Likely everyone is heading here as well"

Zyun then pushed the moment as he feels somewhat satisfaction, that after a long period of hard work, his plan has started to move into action.

"I got to say I'm quite happy how it turned out...once everything is over our guild will most likely become famous and enter the GODS list ha-ha" Zyun laughed out.

But Gin still remains quiet with his head hung low, "Gin are you alright, you have been silent this whole entire time. "

Just to be sure Zyun approached Gin and slowly tap over the tap shoulder his surprise Gin's body slowly fall down to the ground leaving Zyun terrified.

"Gin"With a shout Zyun vigorously shakes Gin's body to get any response.

"His body is cold as ice... what the heck actually happened while I was gone" Zyun starts lamenting with a desperate face.

"So is true that you can't sense magic energy" from the dark a shadowy figure with a staff emergence in front of them.

"Selene... Gin is not moving... his body is cold as ice... we need to do something real-"

"Don't bother... he won't respond anymore" Selene quickly clarified to him with a cold response

"What do you mean by that?"

Selene moves over them and using her staff she rough over Gin's stomach continuously,

"As you see he is already dead".