Sword form: Brakish Depravity

Meanwhile just a few miles away from the arena near the entrance of the Lymmedia forest-

"Scorch wing is getting lots of beatings out there, Imfoxy-san," Moya said in a casual tone as he watches Cynnedrin burst into the arena from Abyss attack.

"They only made him angrier nothing more than that and that technique-"

"Isn't it that? Shield of Sikandar or whatever the name is... I thought they all abandon using that technique." Moya asked

" Yeah, it is a very strong defensive mechanism and a very strong offensive tool too. It stores any form of attack be it magic or physical attack in the form of thermal energy in that crest and also because of that it acts as a double edge sword."

"Oh how?"

"Silence I'm explaining."


"If u don't happen to release the trapped energy inside quickly that person will blow up and releasing the energy is where the problem comes, the person needs to exert a high amount of magic energy to flux out the entrapped energy."

"So basically, the user must have enough power to counter the opponent's attack which is stored in the shield or it will blow up like booommm."

"You are just repeating what I said, is everything right in your head Moya." Imfoxy mocked Mayo at his funny remark.

"Sorry, sorry you see I just simplified it kek. "

"But that guy he just expelled out the energy easily- Moya do you sense any kind of strange magic from him."

" Ah, my detection skill can't reach that must distance, boss," Moya replied.

"You are honestly useless Moya." Imfoxy scuffed at his general's incompetence.

"Eh, don't say that..." < Huh? What did this guy just say right now? Useless, me? Is he forgetting something really important here? Is thanks to me his little pet got summoned here... Every fucking day I carry out most of his orders and did he just call me useless. AHHHHHH... I want to burst out! ok calm down... calm down..there we go.>

Moya diverted away from all the negativities and being the calm person he is, and Moya quickly brings his composure to reply in the best convincing way possible.

"I'm concealing myself here Imfoxy-san, preventing my magic to leak out if I try to use my skill, they will notice my presence and if that happens the rest of the plan will fall apart."

"Yeah, that's also true, I want you to guide Cynnedrin to the rest of the locations where you marked them and it won't be long before the council will send out their annoying knights and Echelons, you better take care of them, Moya."

Imfoxy got quickly convinced, but little did he know that Moya just want to avoid getting into trouble, especially with an Echelon.

"Yes, I will sir".


" So where are we? Oh yes...Zyun got harassed by his guildmates." Abyss mocked Zyun seeing the shambling state he is in.

"What!" Zyun shouts in panic, he scumbles hardly in thinking what is the best to react in this given scenario, so first, he tries to bring all his senses together;

Well, I mean you aren't wrong ...wait does it mean you know everything-ahh, damn my chest. More importantly, we need to do something about that."

Zyun point at Cynnedrin who is in a furious state and probably about to let out a rampage anytime soon.

"Oh, don't worry about that someone is going to play with him for the time being." Abyss replied to reassure Zyun that he has already executed his next move.

The arena field soon starts to fill up with thick fog, and the dry wind prevailing in the village because of the burning of houses soon starts to become chill and blew it stronger.

In the sky, the color of the cloud shifts again, pitch-black dark cloud surrounds the sky, and rumbling thunders can be heard far off distance from the arena, a storm is brewing.

Cynnedrin shifts his attention in front as he senses some kind of presence inside the fog, A dark mysterious figure with echoing metal footsteps slowly walks in towards him. The dragon grunts loudly as the figure starts to shape clearer and will likely be his next opponent.

Then suddenly a tenor deep voice comes out from the fog.

"The land weeps as thou tarnish it, raining brimstones and sweeping the path with burning embers, thou art a harbinger of doom, laying the ground with the carcass of the innocent in your wake. Through our contract that I have honored since the beginning, I shall once again bring the storms of the seven-sea to wipe out the calamity from this land".

Out from the fog a person dressed in samurai armor appears before Cynnedrin, with his armored arms he presents a sword in front of the dragon, and sheathing out from the saya is an exquisite sharp looking katana tainted with blue at its blade.

"O Ryu... I, Benshimaru, the drowned one shall be your opponent". the samurai declares

Paying no heed, Cynnedrin open his giant mouth and bent his head in front, in an act to devour the samurai.

Before Cynnedrin crashes to the ground Benshimaru jumps up high and in the mid-air, then he performs a stunt while spinning his body horizontally using his katana, he sends out a "Crescent Wave Slash", towards the dragon, reaping out the back scales.

He lands on the dragon's back and without hesitation, he plunges his katana into the exposing flesh and channels lightning surging towards the dragon's body. Cynnedrin roars in pain and swings his body sideways to shake down Benshimaru.

In a desperate attempt Cynnedrin releases a mist of toxic like the similar attack from an earlier encounter with Zyun to intoxicate the samurai, as mist envelops his back, Benshimaru responds

"Toxication, disease, affliction art symptoms of mortality, thou should aware that they won't work on me since I'm already a walking dead man" saying that he pulls out his katana and plunges again deep within the wound and channels lightning inside the dragon body.

Cynnedrin roars again in pain and his voice echoes in the arena.

Suddenly the area exposing his flesh, lumps with freckle of red starts to form, as the lump enlarges slowly, the freckles expel out in the form of an explosion, starting a wave of a fiery explosion on the dragon's back before the explosion hits him.

Benshimaru pulls out his sword and jumps out as quickly as possible and lands under the stare of burning eyes of Cynnedrin.

" Thou were prepared to cast away your blood to get rid of me, hmm such is the nature of the harbinger of calamity," Benshimaru said amusingly.

Cynnedrin opens his mouth and prepares to let out a devastating breath.

"The sea pulls in even the strongest mountain, prepare yourself O'Ryu." saying that Benshimaru takes his stance to release his powerful sword form. [Brackish Depravity form number one....]

Deep blue mist seeps out from Benshimaru's armor, he pulls his katana front with both hands, and pulling his right leg backward he prepares to unleash his first sword form.

As soon as the cone of devastating flame unleashes upon Benshimaru he swings the katana and unleashes his attack [ "Crashing wave: Ishikari"]. The powerful wide range slash in the form of a blue wave crashes against Cynnedrin's fire breathes and stops it.

Meanwhile, from the wounds, yellowish orbs fill with blood seeping out from Cynnedrin's back and rush directly at Benshimaru.

Benshimaru bents his body in preparation to unleash another sword form. [Brackish Depravity form no. five, Deep Sea Crushing strike, Tenryu].

With a single stroke of his katana, he destroys all the incoming orbs, exploding them in the mid-air.

In a rage, Cynnedrin stomps the ground with his giant feet splitting the land in front of him, from the huge vein, gushes of lavas erupt out.

Benshimaru quickly leaps up in the air to avoid it but he lands in front of the dragon's mouth, Cynnedrin opens his jaw widely to let out another breath but before Benshimaru could react he notices more orbs bubbling out from the behind and are coming right at him as well.

At that instant Benshimaru mutters, "O' Susanoo" while pulling his body sideways in the air, all of sudden lightning engulfs his body and in nick of time he dashes out from the incoming attack with a lightning speed before sending out a "Crescent Wave Slash" destroying the orbs which was about to hit him.

But as soon as he lands on one of the sides of the audience area, he notices the dragon's breath is still chasing him, so he runs along the vomitory trying to dodge it. More and more explosive orbs also come at him from the side but he sends out his Wave slash after another destroying them without looking at them.

After running for some time Benshimaru leaps up in the air drawing all the attacks at one point, he swings up his katana in the air and then quickly spins around with his body.

[Brackish Depravity form number. 3, Turbulence]. He sends out a barrage of strikes in all directions and in a fraction of time nullifying all the attacks in an instant, but Benshimaru isn't done yet, he lifts his katana in the air and tries to continue his sword form.

[Brakish Depravity form number 2, Ryujin]. He repeatedly swings his katana at the front generating a gust of water at the location he swings then rotates along with his body, transforming himself into a large water body in the shape of a serpent.

The serpent undulates in the air and quickly rises down where Cynnedrin is, biting down Cynnedrin at his neck. With a thump sound the dragon body pins down at the ground laterally.

"Let me ask this O' Ryu, why do thou fight? Answer me. Where do thou harbor the reasons to push this far in an extent to shred your flesh?" Benshimaru asked while pinning the gigantic head of the dragon under his feet.

As the smoke clears out, Benshimaru can see Cynnedrin's monstrous red eyes glaring at him with rage from the ground. Using one of the giant wings Cynnedrin thrust side way to push away Benshimaru who is pinning him down. Benshimaru leaps back to the ground before the dragon could hit him.

"What a pitiful creature- although thou lack the convictions to fight like a cataclysm, thou will lay rampage across the land terrorizing the hearts of innocent ones. Very well let my sword be the herald of your end."