
" she angry?" Zyun asked himself in confusion as Kuro greets him with a frowned look.

Suddenly the arena ground starts to shake from a huge tremor.

Huh? an earthquake...?

The source of the tremor was Cynnedrin's right foot which is now glowing in orange. Despite being imprisoned within Zyun's confinement holy barrier. Cynnedrin is hesitant to take down his opponents no matter what.

A huge vein starts to crack open on the ground near the barrier and runs towards Zyun. From the gushing lava spawns of scorched drakes comes out.

What the heck are they? I can't sense any life force from them. Is it as if they're made up artificially by magic.

As Zyun stands there in surprise, all the drakes in front of him shot a barrage of fireballs toward him.

Kuro quickly transforms a Prussian sphere and shoots multiple Prussian streams from it and collides against the fireballs which are coming at Zyun.

From the smoke, a Prussian stream comes out and ravages down the drakes in a single sweep.

"What are you doing? Get out of here!" Kuro shouts at Zyun from the air as she returns to her elf form.

Zyun who was trying to enquire Kuro suddenly gets interrupted by hearing the sound of galloping horses coming at him. It was Abyss.

Abyss seats on the driver's seat and reins the majestic carriage. As he rides toward Zyun, he catches Zyun's right arm and flung him in the air.

"What the heck-" Zyun tries to scream in the air but lands with a thumping sound on top of the carriage.

"Yeehaaa, up we go." Without giving a sign of warning, Abyss makes the horses fly up.

"Oh..oh..oi...." Zyun starts panicking as he slides down from the carriage due to the sudden ascension. He quickly grabs the edges of the carriage preventing him to drop down from a huge height.

"We have 7 minutes in our hand before that barrier completely encloses." Abyss said as he examined the barrier slowly descending at a distance.

"7 minutes? easy " Zyun replied from the top of the carriage as he fixes his body posture and somehow manage to sit down.

"Do you think is a good idea to let the dragon in that condition?"

"I'm sure the council will do something about it." Abyss replied casually.

"Oh ok..wait...Kuro-"

"I'm here, idiot" Kuro who was gliding near them responded calmly.

"Oh, miss gorilla. it seems you manage to let the guy who summoned the dragon away,"

hearing that question, Kuro shoots back a fiery expression at Abyss.

"Shut up or I will kill you" Kuro threatened Abyss with her wide black eyes.

"Oh, my..scary...scary."

Eh? These two? When did they even meet and wait..when did they become so friendly.

But Zyun thought soon gets interrupted by hearing a chorus of monstrous cries from a distance behind them.

From the murky clouds, hundreds of scorched drakes flew towards them with rage.

"Tch..that dragon, seriously doesn't know when to give up." Zyun scowled as the beasts comes for them.

Zyun then carefully stood up on the carriage and prepares to fight them, summoning a claymore in his hand.

Abyss you focused on the rein, while me and Kuro-

Kuro didn't bother to wait. She envelops herself in Prussian flames and swoops down towards the drakes.

"Kuro, wait-"

But Zyun concern falls on deaf ears, as impulsive Kuro plans to take out the drake all by alone.

Kuro dissolves into a long Prussian stream as she near the horde of scorched drakes. Sensing the threats, the drakes fire out a barrage of fireballs toward Kuro.

In the air, Kuro dances beautifully in a zig-zag fashion carefully evading the fireballs.

While dodging those annoying fireballs, Kuro tries to close the distance between them. As she gets closer, the powerful Prussian streams wipe out dozens of scorched drakes in a single sweep.

the Prussian stream recoils back and then effortlessly destroys another dozens of drakes, who were in the path.

She then proceeds to follow this procedure thrust, recoil, and attack, again and again, to wipe out the horde of scorched drakes completely.

On top of the carriage, Zyun watches in wonder, as Kuro single handily proceeds to destroy the drakes with overwhelming strength. it is also his first-time seeing Kuro in spirit dive.

"Maybe you should just sit down and relax," Abyss said to Zyun, who is the only one left with no roles to do.


As Abyss brings the carriage closer to the ground, Zyun sees the houses and farms burning at the sides. He watches with a solemn expression as Mira's house and even his temporary house burns down in the flame.

" I don't know if it is alright for me to leave the things like these." Zyun speaks out in a deterring voice. "If I was careful enough, things won't have to go downhill like these. I was too focused on myself that I let out the sight to protect the people who are near to me..."

Abyss who was listening quietly breaks out of his silence.

"Listen Zyun, this is coming from someone who hardly cares for anything in this world, but-you need to stop overthinking, man. There is no way, you could have figured it out someone is plotting to send a dragon here. The problem was that there was not enough manpower to fight that beast. So, stop blaming yourselves."

Abyss then peeked his eyes back to see Zyun's condition. "On the bright side, everyone is safe thanks to you. That is a plus point."

" may be right but..."

"Stop overthinking and give me back my onigiri, you idiot." Kuro suddenly appeared near them and said in a monotone while gliding in her Prussian stream.

"Kuro..." Zyun softly mutters.

They're right, there is no use in thinking. What occurred in the past can't be changed, we just have to keep moving forward.

Saying those words to himself, Zyun tries to cheer him up.

"By the way Kuro, I'm going to Abyss place to join his guild. Do you want to join as well?"

"wait..what!?" Abyss gasped in shock, as he feels like he has been violated.

Kuro didn't reply, she just keeps her usual strong and calm face.

We can speak to Abyss and become the officers of his guild. Then we can recruit lots of people starting from scratch. I'm sure Fanny and others will definitely join. Even Aymi too-

"Zyun" Kuro suddenly interrupts Zyun from speaking, calming down his excitement.

"You see, I-"

"Alright, folks I am speeding up!" saying that Abyss whips the horses sending them out in a frenzy mode.

The Stallions neighs high as it charges up because of that Zyun collapses on top of the carriage from the sudden thrust.

"Kuro...what is it" Zyun shouts in an attempt to hear again what Kuro was planning to say.

But Kuro didn't reply. She just flies next to the carriage silently.

In front of them..the barrier from the sky is almost about to completely separate Gardania from the outside.

"We are making it in time folks!" Abyss shouts as the carriage nears the exit. Zyun also shifts his attention to the front and watches it eagerly for them to get out of it in time.

"And we did it-"

Suddenly out of nowhere a band of aurora borealis runs parallel to the barrier, halting our heroes from escaping.

Abyss watches in distress as the barrier completely shuts down.

"We did it not.... Oh, come on can't this man let his dinner already" Abyss cries out, seeing that there is nowhere to run away now unless they destroy the barrier.

"Can you gentleman leave my girl alone? please."

Cold sweats run down Zyun's face as his eyes fall upon the guy who is coming for them from behind.