Give Birth

Reed and Devin cross paths in the house's yard. The two come together at the gate as the sun rises. While Devin was grinning at his cousin, Reed was gazing at him.

"You got up early," Devin stated. "Oh, you didn't get any rest.

"What are you doing at my place at this time?" Dev asked Reed. "Don't claim you want to see my wife."

Devin grinned. "Are you thinking of banning me?"

"She's asleep."

Devin only grinned. "Do you intend to stop me, or should I enter already?"

Devin followed Reed into the yard. Reed made no reply before turning away from him. Reed and Devin were silent, as well. Becky, Reed's soldier, was diligently watering the plants when they turned to face the garden.

"My king! Prince Devin. You are here." After saying that, Becky hurried up to Reed. She bent slightly, and Reed stopped for a moment. "My king, would you want me to make you something to eat?"

Devin caught Reed's eye. "Have you had a meal?"