The Traitor

"War begins..."

Reed turned to Leandro and put up his hand. Black smoke came out of it and covered Leandro's body which flew into the air.

"Do you want war?" Reed asks. "All right, I'll start the war."

Everyone was surprised when Leandro suddenly turned to ash. "Reed..." Eldron said. "If what he said is true, we have many more demons to fight, and we will not be able to..."

"We can," Reed said. Reed raised his eyebrows. "You think I am weak?"

"Nope, that's not what I meant," Eldron said.

"So then what? You're the weak one, aren't you?"

Every demon exchanged glances. "It's weak if it's weak, but we can fight the entire realm," said the mage.

"You know we are not soldiers or warriors who can fight strong demons, my king," said another mage.

"If the enemy we're looking for is in the other realm and something happens at the portal, you'll definitely leave us here to save the family you made in the other world..."