Kasumi looks at her bronze fingertips and feels overwhelming power coursing through her body. She puts her finger on the boulder and slowly pushes in. The rock gives no resistance, allowing her to push in as cracks spread out from her finger.
She summons the energy and notices that it's gotten slightly bigger, about double the size of her hand. She takes a few steps back and shoots her hand forward. The energy makes a loud popping noise as it shoots forward, slamming into the rock and making it collapse in on itself.
After the dust cloud settles, she looks at her hands and notices that the bronze color is just barely visible. She starts her walk home and looks at her watch.
'Wait… this means I'm as strong as a D-rank hero… Uraraka's level is around 240, and Tsu's is around 320… Is everyone around me special or something? No, no. Deku's a person…'
While laughing to herself about the possibility of Deku randomly awakening a powerful quirk, Kasumi subconsciously walks herself back home.
As she walks in, her dad is sitting in the living room. He's off work for a while because his quirk was overloaded with all the designs he's been making. He made a suit for the hero Midnight, which was a pain to find material that'll cover her but still allow her quirk to do its thing. He also had to make one for a new hero named Mt. Lady. That one was an absolute pain in the "a double s" as he'd say. He had to make the material extremely stretchy and tear resistant. He had to invent a new fabric he calls, "Ultra-Stretchy, super sexy fabric." Everyone else just calls it UltraFlex™.
So, his quirk was worn out and he had massive migraines.
"Hey, twerp! Did you have fun at the park?"
She nods her head and asks him,
"Can you start getting me iron ingots too?"
He smiles and says,
"Of course. That's easier to get than silver for sure."
She nods her head and says quietly,
"Thank you…"
And she starts walking to her room.
Left alone in the living room, Makoto sighs to himself.
"Haah… I don't get it. I don't think I've done anything to her to cause her to act like this. Well, whatever. All I can do is try to get closer to her."
'I should talk to Zuri about taking her to a psychiatrist. Maybe something bigger is going on with her.'
Back in her room, Kasumi is currently mentally beating herself up for how she treats her dad.
'Why am I like this? Why does he make me feel so uncomfortable? I love him, but I hate spending time with her or him touching me. UGH!'
She falls over face first into her bed and clumps her hair in her hand. She lets out a frustrated scream and rolls over onto her back.
She stands up and walks over to her computer. Her lock screen is All Might in a comic book style, and when she unlocks her computer, Water Hose in an anime style is her home screen.
She opens google and types,
[ Google [Why am I uncomfortable with my dad] ]
[Why am I so uncomfortable around my dad?]
[Lots of girls ask this question all the time. A lot of the time, they are unknowingly suffering from PTSD…]
{AN: Don't use google to self-diagnose. It just makes you feel worse. See a doctor.}
'PTSD? What's that?'
She then searches PTSD on google.
"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? But I don't think anything traumatic has happened to me? Maybe when I beat up that villain… But I was uncomfortable around him before then… Gosh this is hard."
She reaches into her desk and pulls out a bar of copper. She lays down on her bed and starts playing with it. Then, she gets an idea.
She takes the copper and puts it up to her nose.
Smells like copper…
Tastes like copper…
"GAH! Owwww, my toof…"
Kasumi tosses the ingot to the foot of her bed and rubs her jaw.
"It didn't even taste good either…"
Then the smell hits her again. Coming from her drawer.
"But I can't eat them…"
She walks over and opens her drawer. Not all of her ingots are in it, because that would break her drawer, but a good amount is. The rest is in her closet.
She follows her nose and it leads her to the bronze, silver, and gold in her desk. She grabs one of the bronze ingots and licks it.
Pure. Fucking. Ecstasy.
It tastes like the most luxurious steak meal she's ever tasted. Without realizing it, Kasumi has eaten all of the bronze ingots she keeps in her desk. She starts freaking out and looking around like an addict going through withdrawal. She runs over to her closet and starts grabbing ingots left and right. After a few more ingots, her hunger is satiated once again.
She takes an ingot with her out of the closet and munches on it like those weirdos who can eat raw pickles. As she walks to the center of her room, her door opens.
Makoto opens the door and looks at her, noticing her munching on a piece of bronze. His mouth is open like he was going to say something, but he slowly closes his mouth and closes the door back.
Kasumi's face turns bright red as she yells out,
AN: Short chappy today. Just wanted to show her power level and have an awkward situation with dad. I'd personally rather get caught munching on bronze than playing with my copper pipe.
Fuck pickles.
Bronze, alloy composed of copper and tin.
Elden Ring is fun. May do a fanfic with it one day.
Adiós muchachos.