Hero Profile

Name: Kasumi Kaneda

Age: 15

Height: 181cm (5'9")

Hero outfit:

Pink oni half mask: when she breathes out, puffs of silver smoke come from the sides of the mouth. The mask constantly feeds her a supply of silver gas and oxygen to keep her topped up on iron levels. It also doubles as a gas mask.

Black haori. The haori has a design with copper branches going across it, silver leaves, and golden flowers. There is also the logo of Water hose on the back as an homage to her favorite heroes.

Black crop top: has extra tanks of silver gas stored in pouches on the sides..

Brown Cargo pants: Also holds extra silver tanks.

Black Knee pads.

Brown Combat boots.

Quirk: Mystic Hands

Power: Hands of energy come from her own hands, they are many times stronger than her and can even be used to carry herself... Soon...

Appearance changes: From the tip of the fingers up, skin turns to the color of the mystic hands. Eyes change to match color as well.

Way to get stronger: constant use and training. Eating small amounts of metal can help.

Weakness: She's prone to having low iron in her blood because it is used when creating the hands.