
The three girls spend the day in and out of the tub, eventually going to bed together. Kasumi sleeps in the middle of them and wraps her arms around them with a smile. She puts her head on Tsu's back and feels her cool skin on her face. Kasumi feels that feeling in her chest again.

As she feels Kasumi's face press against her back, Tsu feels a warmth fill her chest. She feels an urge to flip over and hold Kasumi close to her chest. She wants to feel her warm body against hers, melding together with her cold skin, making a beautiful equilibrium between the two.

Kasumi then turns around and does the same to Uraraka's back. She feels that same feeling yet again.

'Both of them, huh?'

Kasumi sighs and lays her head between the two, falling asleep.

Uraraka feels Kasumi's face press against her, sending a chill down her spine. Every touch from Kasumi seems to send shocks through her whole body. It took so much will power from her to not attack Kasumi in the jacuzzi today. Every time she gets a look at her body, she feels tingles all through her body. Kasumi is the only person that does this to her… At least, this bad.

Tsu also makes her feel this way, just to a lesser degree. Tsu's innocent personality attracts Uraraka in a different manner than Kasumi's playful one. Uraraka wants to hold her close to her and coddle her. Uraraka never wants her to go through any rough times. She wants to protect her.

Tsu feels the same way. When she and Uraraka hug each other, she never wants to let go. She wants to be held by the both of them. She can't explain the feeling she gets in her body. It's like warm water flowing through her body, giving her feelings of protection.

And so the three fall asleep in one, big, gay pile.


The next morning, the three wake up nearly on top of eachother. Kasumi, not being much of a morning person, trudges her way to the bathroom and hops in the tub for a morning soak. Tsu joins her, and Uraraka cooks them breakfast.

Kasumi and Tsu wash each other's hair and hold each other like monkeys in a hot spring. Uraraka makes a new recipe she heard about from America:

Fried chicken and waffles!

Kasumi and Tsu get out of the bath, both bundled up like babies. Kasumi puts on her usual haori, tank top, and sweats combo, while Tsu puts on a T-shirt and pink shorts. Kasumi, smelling cooked chicken, wakes up instantly and sits at the table like a dog waiting for their food bowl. Tsu also comes to the table and lays her chin down on the table like a kid who got woken up for school. Kasumi smiles at Uraraka who's frying the chicken at the moment,

"Already acting like a housewife are we?"

Uraraka walks over and smacks Kasumi on the top of the head with a spatula,

"Well, at least one of us has to know how to cook! You and Tsu get to clean when I'm done!"

Uraraka flips back around and walks to the kitchen. As she walks away, Kasumi's eyes stay on her hips.

The three enjoy the meal Uraraka cooks and try to get completely awake. After doing so, the three get an Uber and drive towards the amusement park. As they get there, the thing that greets them is a gigantic sign with a creepy looking clown painted on it,


Kasumi looks up at the clown and says,

"I really wanna rip the sign down."

Uraraka looks at it and agrees,

"Yeah, I do too."

Tsu looks at it and says,

"I think it's kind of cute. - ribbit"

Kasumi and Uraraka look at her and shake their heads as the three walk in.

The first ride they get on is a gigantic spinning swing set. Tsu really enjoys this one, as it starts giving her ideas on ways to better use her quirk. Uraraka absolutely hates it because it makes her incredibly motion sick for some reason. Kasumi is just kind of indifferent to it.

The next ride they get on is one that spins them around and sticks them to the wall. Uraraka hates this one too because of the same reason. Tsu and Kasumi both get bored of it rather quickly.

This cycle repeats itself often, with one of them enjoying the ride while the others find it boring, or hate it. The small roller coaster the park has is a unique experience as there's a part of it that goes off the tracks, then back on. Kasumi assumes someone with an architecture or calculating quirk helped make this part, otherwise it would never be allowed.

Being bored with the rides, the three go over to the games section to try to win something. Most of the prizes are stuffed animals or merch from the park. They go through a few games, Kasumi gets two stuffed animals from a BB gun game and a Basketball one. Tsu wins a stuffed frog through a squirt gun game, and Uraraka wins a stuffed hedgehog through a ring toss game. Then, Tsu sees it… a gigantic, stuffed, pink frog! To win it, one has to ring the bell on top of a strength measuring game. A grown man steps up to the plate and rubs his hands together. He grabs the hammer and struggles to lift it, then slams it down on the plate in front of him. The bell ringer goes up three rungs to the "wimpy" section.

Kasumi notices Tsu's gaze fall on the frog and steps up to the plate.

"Ah, young girl, would you like to give it a go?"

The short, mustachioed game runner asks,

"Indeed I would!"

The man takes 500 yen from Kasumi and motions her to give it a shot. Kasumi takes off her haori, bringing her toned, silver muscles into view. She grabs the hammer and lifts it up with one hand. She grabs it with the other hand and then swings down with all her might!





[Pretty Strong!]


[God Among Men]


Kasumi drops the hammer to the side, which makes a resounding crashing noise. The mustachioed man stares blankly at the bell as his mustache slightly falls off, before getting red in the face.


Kasumi gives the man a puzzled look and brings out the mystic hands, sending them over and grabbing the frog.

"Sir," she says calmly, "had I used my quirk, your little machine would've broken."

She winks at him and gives the frog to Tsu who blushes wildly and hides her face in its soft fluff. The three walk away, leaving the angry man child to wallow in his own regret of not rigging the game even more.

As night takes over, the three make their way toward the ferris wheel. They all three get their own basket and sit in it together. All three sit on the same side as Tsu cuddles the stuffed frog she got. They stay relatively silent, until Kasumi speaks up as they near the top.

"You know, I've been thinking recently."

Uraraka jips,

"Uh oh."

Kasumi giggles a little bit before speaking again,

"No, seriously. This trip has been a lot of fun. I love spending time with you guys. I've thought about this for a while, but it's never quite hit me like it did last night. Kasumi takes both of their hands in her own and looks at them.

"I've never really been one to develop feelings, you know? It makes me uncomfortable thinking about dedicating myself to someone and being tied to them for however long we're together."

Uraraka nods her head and continues listening. Tsu just silently blushes and listens while rubbing Kasumi's hand.

"I-I don't think I'm really meant to be in a… dedicated relationship. Especially with how I am now."

She stands up and kneels in front of both of them.

"I think I'm in love with both of you."

Uraraka stares at her with shock on her face, while Tsu blushes even more wildly.

"I did research on this feeling, and it's apparently a lot more common than you'd think… I think.. I want to be in a polyamorous relationship with you two."

Uraraka looks at Kasumi, then at Tsu, then out at the ocean. The three sit in silence for a while before Tsu speaks up,

"Well… I've never really… had romantic feelings for anyone really. But I do know that being with you two makes me feel warm inside… I don't mind… I mean… Honestly, I want to be with you two as well."

Uraraka's eyes blink a couple times, processing what she just heard. Kasumi smiles warmly at Tsu, who blushes and buries her face into the stuffed frog.

Kasumi looks at Uraraka and notices the look on her face, just staying silent and letting her process all this new information.

Uraraka suddenly stands up and walks over to Kasumi, who also stands up.

Instead of answering, Uraraka grabs Kasumi by the collar of her haori and pulls her into a deep kiss. She then walks over to Tsu and gives her a deep kiss as well.

"If it's you two, I'd be more than happy!"

Uraraka walks back over to her seat and looks out at the ocean, with her ears turning slightly red.

Kasumi blushes wildly, just like Tsu after being kissed by Uraraka. Tsu on the other hand, seems to have overloaded and just dazedly stares at the back of her frog's head. Kasumi eventually wakes up and sits back down, just in time to hear,

"so cute!"

Being said quietly from the basket that is now right across from them. She sees an older couple watching them with warm smiles on their faces. The two women wave at her as she sees them and say,

"Congratulations young ladies!"

Kasumi waves back with a stupid grin on her face, trying to hide the childish joy building up inside of her. Kasumi reaches down and takes both of the girls hands.

"So, I guess we're dating now?"

Uraraka nods her head while Tsu releases a little,

"I-I guess we are! -ribbit"

Kasumi leans over and pecks Tsu on the head before pulling her into her arms in a big hug.

'Tonight is gonna be kinda awkward, huh?"


AN: i think this is the longest chapter ive written lol.

i tried making this scene as cute as possible, playing into the whole high school sweetheart theme.

i hope im doing polyamory justice.

i feel like tsu is more of the cutesy one of the relationship, while uraraka and kasumi are like the protectors. tho, kasumi is more of a protector with uraraka too. i dunno. shits confusing.

lemme know what you thought of this chapter cuz i liked writing it.