SCP-087 - The Stairwell

The first thing that tipped the Foundation off to SCP-087's presence were the reports of numerous unexplained disappearances on campus. There were plenty of rumors about what might be behind them, but Field Agents suspected that the true source of the vanishing would be something beyond civilian imagination.

All anyone knew for sure was that everyone who had gone missing was last seen in a certain administrative building on the university grounds, and that the disappearances only seemed to happen when the elevator was out. The campus was soon flooded with Foundation agents, creating a barrier around the administrative building, and the presumed habitat of SCP - 087. Nobody else could get in, and hopefully, whatever was inside couldn't get out. One of the Foundation's lead scientists was flown in to consult on the investigation.

What could have been behind all those students disappearing? The doctor's preliminary interviews with university staff who worked in the building yielded some interesting details: Strange noises, like banging and even a faint, shrill crying, would be heard from a door that lead to a no longer used stairway in Hallway 3B. Staff in the building had no reason to ever take these stairs, especially considering how many of them reported a strange sense of unease when just standing outside the door.

The only reason someone might take those stairs is due to…Elevator malfunctions. In that instant, the doctor had put it all together. The staff they interviewed had their memory wiped with Amnetics – special chemicals used by the Foundation with the power to delete human memories. The Foundation only used them for staff or civilians who had confirmed contact with an SCP, and the doctor knew that they had a live one on their hands. The staircase.

There was something terribly wrong with that staircase, and it was the SCP Foundation's job to find out what – before it made anybody else disappear. This is the story of SCP – 087, otherwise known as The Endless Staircase, and the three doomed journeys down into its murky depths. The doctor was more than eager to begin research into the staircase, and its frightening, anomalous properties.

After all, you don't claw your way up to being one of the Foundation's key researchers without being brave, and perhaps just a little bit deranged. As was standard, once a perimeter was secured around the staircase, the good doctor requested a selection of D-Class personnel for testing. For those not in the know, D-Class is the Foundation's polite way of saying "cannon fodder." The doctor was sent three D-Class prisoners for use in his investigation of SCP – 087.

The first, D-8432, was – according to official documentation on the incident – a "43-year old male of average build and appearance and unremarkable psychological background." This man once worked for the Foundation in a more official capacity, but he was given the often-deadly demotion to D-Class due to a dangerous mistake handling SCP – 682 that lead to the deaths of several other agents.

Now, it looked like it would be his turn. The doctor explained his mission to him: Explore the staircase, gather data, help us find out exactly what we're dealing with here. If you come back alive, there may even be a promotion in it for you. And with that promise, D-8432 was given his load-out: a 75-watt flood lamp with battery power capable of lasting 24 hours, an audio headset, and a handheld camcorder fitted with a transmission stream. D-8432 was then pushed through the door in Hallway 3B, and out onto the staircase. According to declassified Foundation files describing the staircase, "SCP-087 is an unlit platform staircase.

Stairs descend on a 38-degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semi-circular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter. Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform. The design of SCP-087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 1.5 flights." But in D-8432's mind, "unlit" really didn't seem like the right word. He would have chosen "all-consuming darkness." Despite carrying a powerful 75-watt lamp, D-8432 was only capable of partially lighting the platform he was standing on – and the illumination only stretched down nine of the thirteen steps to the next platform.

When D-8432 observed how little help his lamp was giving him, he was instructed to shine it out of the doorway into Hallway 3B. When he did so, the light seemed to shine far further than it ever could in SCP – 087. Already, the beginning of anomalous activity was obvious: Everywhere else, darkness is just the absence of light. In SCP – 087, darkness eats light. It was like a tangible, black mass that only a certain amount of light could survive, while the rest just wouldn't show. D-8432 swallowed hard over a lump in his throat. The door to Hallway 3B was closed behind him, and he was ordered to descend.

Surviving to see that promotion was feeling unlikely, but it's not like he had a choice. If he tried to escape SCP – 087 before he was permitted, he'd be shot by SCP Foundation Field Agents on the spot. So he followed the high-ranking doctor's orders and began to descend the steps to the next platform. Nothing about the physical makeup of the staircase itself seemed abnormal – the base and walls were a very plain, dull concrete, with a metal handrail. The only thing that seemed unique about it so far was the strange light-bending properties.

That was, until he reached the second platform down and he heard it, a soft, echoing cry. A child's cry. It was shrieks of panic, or maybe even pain, echoing up from below. He was asked why he had stopped, and he explained the crying sound he'd been hearing. It sounded like it was coming from far down the stairs, maybe 200 meters below him. He could just make out the words "please", help", and "down here" coming from the darkness. But the team outside the stairwell couldn't hear anything, so they asked him to descend further.

Another platform down, and they could hear it too, the unmistakable cries of a terrified child. "Please", "help", and "down here." D-8432 was ordered to keep going and only stop if he noticed changes to the visual environment or in the sounds he was hearing. D-8432, knowing his life was on the line, had to keep going, and descended another twenty flights of stairs before stopping to remark that the sounds of the child hadn't gotten any closer.

They still sounded just as far away as when he'd first heard them. He was told his observations were noted, and pressured to continue. Within half an hour, D-8432 had descended a full fifty floors, with no sign of a bottom in sight. Somehow the volume of the child's crying had remained consistent throughout, as if it was moving away from D-8432 at the same rate he was descending.

At this point, D-8432 reported that he was feeling uneasy. The doctor said that this was understandable, given the circumstances. He'd been watching what little there was to see over a live video feed the entire time, and something about the truly bottomless nature of the staircase, and the ever-elusive crying, was undeniably eerie. But things were about to really take a turn for the worst.

As D-8432 stepped forward towards the next set of stairs, he froze. There was something on the platform below him, barely illuminated by the light of his 75-watt bulb. It was a face. Vaguely human in size and shape, but with a few terrifying differences: it had greyish skin, and no mouth, nostrils, or pupils. And yet, D-8432 could feel that this thing was making eye contact with him. He couldn't move, trapped in this thing's piercing gaze.

In an instant, the face jerked forwards, suddenly only about a foot away from D-8432's face – eyes staring into his own. D-8432 screamed and ran, scaling all fifty flights in an astonishing eighteen minutes, before charging out into Hallway 3B. There, he collapsed from the exhaustion and the fear of what he'd just seen. Upon reviewing the footage, the strange face was designated "SCP-087-1." Fascinating. It was time for a second experiment.

The doctor just had to know more. The second test subject was D-9035, a 28-year-old male with a history of aggravated assaults against women. He was given the same loadout as his predecessor, except this time with an even more powerful 100-watt bulb. He was also given 100 small LED lights that had adhesive backs and a battery life of approximately 3 weeks, with which they intended to permanently illuminate SCP – 087.

However, despite the extra wattage of his bulb, he still couldn't illuminate beyond the ninth step. SCP – 087 wouldn't allow it. Having no idea of the horrors that lurked below him, he descended on the doctor's orders, and began fixing the LEDs to walls of each platform he passed.

The LED always illuminated the landing, but the light couldn't pass the first step on either side. The flights of stairs themselves would remain in perpetual darkness. After the second flight, D-9035 noticed the same crying D-8432 had heard and became uneasy. Just like before, as D-9035 descended, the volume of the crying didn't seem to increase, as if for every step he descended, the source of the crying descended one, too, keeping them at a constant 200 metres apart. Still, he was ordered to continue his descent and the placing of LED's even as his paranoia grew.

When he reached the 51s floor, he observed damage to the wall and steps – sections appeared to have been smashed to rubble by an extreme force. As he descended past the broken step, he only felt his fear, anxiety, and paranoia grow. The doctor made a note of the fact that SCP – 087 seemed to cause instances of anxiety and terror in its occupants, even before they encountered SCP – 087 – 1. As D-9035 reached platform 89 – a full 350 meters under the initial platform – he stopped dead in his tracks, and saw something staring up at him from the platform below.

That same terrible, grey face, with those dead, white eyes. He was encouraged to stay calm and try to get better footage of the face, but it charged for him and D-9035 ran for his life. He ascended the staircase at a staggering pace, even passing out from exhaustion and remaining motionless for 14 minutes half way. When D-9035 finally gathered the strength to get up, he scrambled back to Hallway 3B and fell into a state of catatonia. He remains unresponsive to all external stimuli to this day, just staring off into the distance with a haunted expression. Almost like he's still there in the hallway.

The doctor wanted to conduct one more test before he ordered SCP – 087 shut off from the world forever, and it was the most terrifying of all. The final subject was D-9884, a 23-year-old woman with a history of depression and the use of excessive force. The doctor had hoped that D-9884 would travel the deepest yet, and so, he gave her the additional supplies of a backpack containing 3.75 litres of water, 15 nutrient bars, and 1 thermal blanket.

As far as the Foundation was concerned, she was in this for the long haul. But none of them had any idea quite how right they were. When D-9884 entered SCP – 087, all the lights from the previous expedition had disappeared. Still, she was ordered to go deeper. She heard the crying of the mysterious child – if it was even a child at all – and again she was ordered to go deeper. At the 496th landing, even as D-9884 seemed to slip into a state of mortal terror, once again she was ordered to go even deeper.

Every moment, he was hoping to get a better look at the face of SCP – 087 – 1. And when D-9884 finally broke, and fled back upstairs, he did. The face appeared but this time it was mere inches behind her, staring directly into the camera with its blank eyes – startling even this veteran of the supernatural. The face appearing caused D-9884 to panic and flee, but instead of going back up the stairs to safety, she went deeper down the staircase in an attempt to escape it.

Deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until her video feed cut out. D-9884 was never seen again. In the aftermath of the tests, the SCP was classified as Euclid – it may have been dangerous, but at least it was easy to contain. The door to Hallway 3B was replaced with one made out of reinforced steel, with an electro-release lock mechanism. It has been disguised to resemble a janitorial closet consistent with the rest of the building.

The lock won't release unless a classified number of electrical volts are applied, while the key is turned counter clockwise. And after a few inches of foam insulation were applied to the inner side of the door, staff at the building never again reported hearing strange noises. As for the fates of those lost within the endless turning flights and platforms of SCP – 087, we may never know. But one can only assume it isn't pleasant.