SCP-001 - The Children - Ouroboros

The desert is still. The night seems endless, silent, and at peace… until it's pierced by the sound of gunshots and screams. Deep in the Sahara, the SCP Foundation is waging war against a newly discovered enemy. A squad of foundation agents is retreating, trying to get away from the ones who massacred their allies.

They were attempting to eliminate the threat using conventional means, but their rifles were no match for the reality bending entities of the Kingdom of Abaddon. The retreating agents cover one another as they make their way back to the extraction point. The enemy force advances. Agents that are caught too close to the sorcerers of Abaddon disintegrate into thin air. This is not an enemy they can defeat.

The SCP agents need to get back to base and relay what they have found to their superiors. Out of the hundreds of agents sent into the Sahara that night, only a handful make it out alive. They are debriefed by their superiors at the Foundation who classify the anomalous humanoids under the highest of threat levels.

The Kingdom of Abaddon is a threat. The Kingdom of Abaddon must be eliminated. Reconnaissance done prior to the disastrous mission had alerted the Foundation to the presence of anomalies in the region, but they had no idea how strong the anomalous humanoids would be.

From data gathered through old reports, it seemed that the Abaddon humanoids were responsible for the deaths of no fewer than 75 Foundation personnel, and had stolen at least 12 different items from the Foundation. The leaders of the SCP Foundation tasked research team Omega-5 with developing a weapon that would be capable of destroying the Kingdom of Abaddon once and for all.

The weapon they are researching must be capable of long range destruction, because the moment any Foundation agent gets close to the area, they are vaporized by the reality manipulating powers of its inhabitants The project is given the name "Twins of God" and is led by a Foundation doctor known only by the designation "O5-1." O5-1 is popular in the SCP Foundation, well known for his in-depth research and charismatic personality, making him the perfect person to lead such a project.

And O5-1 recently came across an anomaly that he believes holds the solution the Foundation has been looking for to defeat the Kingdom of Abaddon… Item-001.And so the Omega-5 team gets to work. They discover that the anomaly has incredible powers when put inside a host, which they refer to as an Item-001 entity, and set up a series of experiments using different people to harness its energy The first series of tests all end in tragedy. The anomaly causes the entity it inhabits to become intensely radioactive.

Anyone who gets close to it succumbs to immediate radiation sickness, and eventually death. To stop the radiation problems the Omega-5 research group intensifies the containment procedures. O5-1 receives reports from the higher ups that the Kingdom of Abaddon has attacked another Foundation facility in Sudan. Long-range defense is needed A.S.A.P.

The administrator puts more pressure on Omega-5, and especially its leader O5-1, to solve the problems of Item-001 and develop a weapon that can save the Foundation. He stays awake for days on end, working tirelessly to create a safe and controllable Item-001 entity. Although there are signs that the weapon will work, it is still unpredictable.

When Item-001 is initiated, the host entity becomes paralyzed, suffers severe cerebral hemorrhaging, and soon a new host is needed before testing can begin again. And that's not the only thing going wrong. Whenever the anomaly is put into a new host, sudden and random destruction of on-site structures and personnel takes place.

O5-1 knows though, that if this power can be harnessed and controlled in the right way, that it could be the weapon that the Foundation needs to wipe out the Kingdom of Abaddon once and for all. In order to control Item-001, O5-1 has a mind-kill switch implanted in its hosts' brains. O5-1 can activate the implant to incapacitate the host and immediately stop the unwanted destruction.

Countless hosts are terminated by this mind-kill switch in the early trials conducted by the Omega-5 team, but progress continues to be made and eventually a hypothesis is formulated. Perhaps the disastrous side effects of Item-001 can be offset by spreading the anomaly across multiple subjects.

They theorize that the immense mental load of the anomaly can be distributed among several hosts, thus reducing the toll it takes on each and giving them the ability to control its immense power. But O5-1 and the Omega-5 team need more data, and for that, they need more bodies.

They consult with the director of Site-17 and it is concluded that the nearby town of San Marco would be an appropriate place to get the additional test subjects they require. On a quiet Sunday morning, Omega-5 along with support from a squad of armed SCP agents storm into the San Marcos de la Vida Sterna Church during the middle of mass.

They gather up a number of the younger congregants and bring them back to the site where Item-001 is housed. The researchers quickly ran through their new supply of test subjects though, and Omega-5 would need to get even more if their research was to continue.

Instead of going back and forth between the testing facility and San Marco, O5-1 decides to move the entire Item-001 operation to the town itself. He renames the town, Testing Site-001, and Omega-5 rounds up 23 of the healthiest subjects they can find for use in the next series of research tests.

A few weeks after occupying the town of San Marco, Omega-5 makes it's most substantial progress yet. Just as they theorized, by spreading out the anomaly of Item-001 across a specific group of hosts, they can control its powers. The tests may have cost the lives of almost everyone in the town, but the ends certainly justify the means.

The Kingdom of Abaddon poses an existential threat to the SCP Foundation after all, and thanks to this research they will soon have a weapon capable of bringing them victory. The Foundation administrator criticizes O5-1's methods, but can't argue with his results. Unfortunately, O5-1 has a dark secret.

A secret that disturbs even the most hardened and loyal members of Omega-5. A secret that has to do with the Item-001 hosts. The hosts that Omega-5 has made its major progress with are not the ordinary test subjects normally used by the Foundation. No, the test subjects O5-1 makes his breakthrough with… are children.

Nine of them to be exact, all between four and eleven years old. Despite being told specifically by the Foundation administrator to only test on adults, the research required O5-1 to break the chain of command and follow the science down the path it led. The children are contained in a reinforced bunker where only O5-1, and a select few, have access.

They are technically alive, but are functionally brain dead. The group of nine children share a hive mind that can process information, and more importantly, can unleash the full potential of the implanted anomaly, creating and controlling a devastating power. But not everyone is thrilled with what they've achieved.

Members of Omega-5 are haunted by the screams of the children that they've forced to be part of their weapon development program. They describe their merging with Item-001 as being a process that rips out their souls and replaces them with something much more sinister. In fact all of Omega-5 regret what they have been a part of and what they've done, all except O5-1.

The nine children can channel unprecedented amounts of energy from an unknown origin that Omega-5 hypothesizes comes from an extradimensional source, which is then used to unbind atoms at the quantum level. When the right activation words are spoken, it appears as though this tremendous power gives the children the ability to annihilate anything in the entire universe.

It's the gun to end all guns. And only O5-1 has the key to control it. The nine children work so well within Item-001 that Omega-5 reclassifies it to include the nine children themselves. They are not just the entity housing or controlling Item-001, they permanently become Item-001.

Once Omega-5 has a better understanding of Item-001, they begin to run tests to find out the full extent of its abilities. First they test the distance Item-001 can reach. The initial test that Omega-5 carries out is on a steel rod placed 5 kilometers away. O5-1 orders the children to destroy the target. Moments later the phone next to O5-1 begins to ring.

When he picks it up the observer tasked with watching the pole is on the other end. He informs O5-1 that the steel rod has been completely vaporized. O5-1 is not satisfied though. He has another pole set out, this time placed 8,000 kilometers away from the nine children. O5-1 asks the children to destroy that rod.

Almost immediately, the phone rings again. The target has been vaporized. O5-1 smiles. The next series of tests Omega-5 runs on Item-001 are to determine the maximum size of an object that can be destroyed. The tests start out with a steel sphere, 3 meters in diameter, placed 1,000 kilometers from Item-001.

O5-1 orders the children to destroy the object. It is instantly vaporized. O5-1 has seen enough small tests. It's time for something big. So he does something that will later be questioned by everyone at the SCP Foundation. He orders the nine children to destroy a Church of the Broken God worship site in Turkey. Not long after the destruction order is given to Item-001, reports begin coming in.

The worship site has been obliterated with no observable damage to the surrounding area. Deadly and precise. O5-1 closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He looks as if he is overcome by an immense spiritual experience. He opens his eyes, leans over to the children, and whispers the name of someone. Later that day, O5-1 finds out that the target he had named has been vaporized.

The success of Omega-5 and Item-001 is relayed to the administration of the Foundation. They are so impressed that they make plans to use Item-001 to eliminate the Abaddon threat once and for all. However, one of the heads of the foundation, Administrator Williams, has major concerns about the way O5-1 is running the program. The updates that O5-1 has been sending have become less scientific, and more philosophical… more… spiritual.

Administrator Williams sends a letter to O5-1 reassuring him that he is doing good work, but once the mission to destroy the Kingdom of Abaddon is completed, O5-1 will be promoted to director, and reassigned to the newly constructed Site-19. For the good of the Foundation, and maybe the world, he'll be permanently moved away from Item-001.

O5-1's response is short and to the point, "I am fine, Administrator. The project is finished. We will complete our task when you arrive." Administrator Williams arrives at Site-001 a few days later. He is greeted by O5-1 and the Omega-5 team.

Williams can't help but notice that O5-1 has a strange look in his eyes. It is the look of a crazed man who has been lost in his work, and who has, perhaps, lost himself. Williams puts the thought away though and walks with O5-1 and his accompanying agents to the viewing area where the powers of Item-001 will be demonstrated.

Administrator Williams and the other agents watch from a protected viewing room as O5-1 enters the chamber of his new super weapon. It's time to see if their weapon that has had so much time, effort, sweat, tears, and especially blood poured into it, will have been worth it.

Everyone watches as O5-1 leans over and says the name of the Abaddon Citadel to the nine children. All at once, they start to glow. No one observing can see what has happened in the far off Kingdom, but they know something big has happened. The administrator is thrilled, but notices something. O5-1 hesitated a moment while leaning over the children before standing back up.

Did he whisper something else to them? And then Administrator Williams vaporizes, pulled apart at an atomic level before he has the chance to scream. What's going on? The agents standing next to where Administrator Williams previously existed begin to yell and pull out their guns. They burst through the door of the observation room and run down the hallway towards where O5-1 and the nine children are located.

The armed agents rush into the room, but O5-1 is gone. The nine children are still. Over the next few weeks O5-1 is reported to be seen several times by SCP agents. However, no one is able to catch him, and it appears as though other members of the SCP Foundation have also gone AWOL as well, perhaps joining him on the run.

It is unclear what his plan is, but reports from the reconnaissance team sent into the Sahara make it obvious what the result of his first command to the children was. There isn't a single humanoid or building left in the Kingdom of Abaddon. But even with this victory, the highest levels of the SCP Foundation have an ominous thought lurking in the back of their minds.

Where did O5-1 go, and what is he planning to do next? Following the improper use of Item-001 leading to the untimely death of a high ranking Foundation Staff member, the weapon was deemed too dangerous and containment procedures were implemented.

Due to the high amount of radiation they were found to emit, the nine children were placed into lead lined bags and buried under 50 meters of concrete beneath the church of San Marcos de la Vida Eterna.

Though all of the children continue to be functionally braindead, they still display signs of life despite their containment, and by order of the Overseer Council, have been classified as a Thaumiel entity. Now go watch SCP-5000 - The Suit or SCP-1730 - What Happened at Site-13 for more epic tales from the SCP archives.