"Thanks for the smoothie Alisa, it taste really good" May appreciated as we sit around watching a movie which i didn't get the full name but it has to do with dating something, May who has watched it kept disturbing us with spoilers. I felt Talon staring at me from where he sits and tried harder no to look back but if guys keep staring at me like this, it makes me so uncomfortable.
Jeez, this sucks! I bit my lower lip and glance at him which i caught him right handed but he was so fast to avert his face. It made me chuckle at his behavior, turning around i met May beaming at me and rasing her brows. I furrowed my brows in question but she didn't say anything. "Hey Mila come over!" She pulls Mila closer and whispers to her ears and something tell me she was referring to I and Talon behavior.
"Hehe couple goals" Mila tease grinning and i felt my face hitting up, I know Talon is a very handsome guy with his blonde hair like mine and brown small eyes, his nose is pointed and we have the same light skin, his not as tall as Rodolfo but his really good looking.
"Yeah! What ever so since Alisa here is bored at home why don't we take a stroll into the woods?" Talon suggested.
"What?" I quickly reacted to the idea, I won't go into the woods, I heard the wolves stay there though Rodolfo won't tell me if they really exist and I can't ask either of them. I have to deal with this myself, I won't tell them about my dreams.
"Yes its like a zoo without any security, many wild and none wild animals!" May spoke so excited, but the wild animals and non wild animal, I wanted to ask what kind but it wouldn't pass lions. I'm still not convinces of this idea, instead I crossed my arms adjusting my seating position to feel at home as I stare back at the movie. "I won't survive, I know that" I pout, Talon sigh standing from the sofa where he seats and walks towards the door, he was the only one going and i wondered where.
"Where are you going?"
He smirks placing his hands on the knobs. "Nope, were are WE going, now come on." he gestured to the half open door yet i felt something strange about that smirks he wears and that also makes me want to stay back home and wait for Rodolfo to return.
I suddenly Felt May and Mila grabbing me by each arm forcing me to my feet, I struggle to let go but how are they this strong. "Guys its not nice!" I hissed, its already pissing me off that they have to go to that woods, I just Don't feel good about it. "The woods is not safe" I spat but they won't listening and just kept pushing me to the door.
"Don't be too odd girl it be nice" Mila mention but then i felt relieved realising that Mila would tag along, sometimes May acts a bit like a psycho and Mila is always Mila. So i should agree then.
"Okay fine! Let me get my keys" I hurried to my room to pick up my phone and then the keys, I quickly texted Rodolfo that i would be going out with my friends and he shouldn't worry if I'm not at home, we exchange contact the day he told me his name and i still save its as his nickname.
Getting the key, I locked the door very well this time before tugging it into my parka pocket and walking out with them.
In reaching the woods, it wasn't as bad as how the tales of it use to be during the centuries ago, it was bright with green glasses and i could only see the deers as the animals around and no sight of any wolf and that cleares my douth. They don't exist, still I won't risk my life unlike May who runs around.
She asked for a selfie so we took our pose and she clicks and snaps the picture and not just one, she can never take just a picture she says its a pick and delete, Talon shows me some part of the woods and the kind of Animal here and never mentioned about the wolf. "Its like you've been here before?" I curiously ask because how he seems so free and calm into the woods.
"Well yeah, I often come and hang around here, its a clear view for relaxation" he says and indeed it really is, but i would never come to rest here, never in history, I'd rather go to the city garden.
We continue to walk until we reached a water fall that i never expect to see there, it was like a whole mountain of water is colliding with the woods, but by the right side of the rock, there was something like an opening door, no matter how you tried to escape the water, it will still hit you.
"We've finally reached the dead end" he says and i turns to him with widen eyes, did he bring us to dead end so the wild animals can feast on us? The thought kept running In my head that i starts to tremble. "Alisa?" He calls sofly taping my shoulder as I jerk. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"Okay great, let's go home now" I nervously says turning to go but May held my hand.
"There is a way in" she says pointing at the opening door, I glance at her. "You sure we won't die?" I asked and she chuckle. "You fear too much!" She nudge me and all i did was giggle that I have to be this scared but to be honest, I start to not trust them again.
"Come on, Alisa you will be Fine okay" he says beaming, all they want was for me to tag along, I rolled my eyes and then asked "how do we pass?"
He points at the door and explained that, if we pass that open door we will follow different path but eventually met at the end, and thats was just like... "Sound like an ultimate search!" Mila spoke and exactly just as I thought, May scoff. "It will be if i find a treasure"
We took a step as we walk in, my eyes were closed and I held on to Mila so we would eventually be together. But just as we passed i felt the chill prickly my skin and slowly opening my eyes, I was amused yet frightened to find myself in the same place I had left like i didn't pass at all, was this where my door leads me, then its should be back at the water fall. I can't even hear anyone her. "May... Mila...Talon... Guys seems like I'm stuck here?" I yells out but no answer from any end just the echo of my voice and just then, bird rustles and flew away.
"Damn it, Rodolfo must be upset now!" I mutters picking up my phone, I dialed Talon number but it wasn't going through, I tried Rodolfo too but it was busy, I wondered what to do so i decided to text Rodolfo telling him that I might be late and Talon that i was stuck, I don't care if it goes but the network should just let it go.
"Anyone here?" I calls but my voice echos back, I sigh tugging my phome back in my parka as I start to hear tree rustling behind me, and my heart starts to beat faster than it normal pace as I fearfully turns around, a wild animal beast jumps out which startled me. I yelp as I took a step behind but tried to not fall. The beast growls kept taking slow steps towards me, growling in hunger,
I felt like I've encountered something similar but the beast had different color than this which apears milky and its eyes are bright blue... Its so pretty
The realization quickly hits me as I recalled the beast eating Mike in my dreams. 'Its not a beast! Its a...' "Wolf" I thought out loud, so it does exist after all. It breaths raw but then it starts to cool down when it realized I wasn't afraid anymore. I stretched out my right arm to have a feel on it but he grunts as i jerk back. "Whoa easy girl I just want to feel you" I spoke to it, this doesn't appear evil like that of my dream. It then moves closer so I could feel its face, the fur was so soft that i felt my hand sinking inside. It breaths on my face making me understand that it was happy. "You're beautiful" I chuckle.
"Alisa" Talon's voice echo's as the wolf suddenly jerks and runs away, I quickly turned around to the left where his voice has just echoed and I saw the three of them walking toward me, May quickly ran towards me. "Lisa are you okay?" She asked sounding worried as she check if I was okay.
"I got lost!" I managed to say, still feeling the fur of the wolf in my palm before tugging them in my parka. "Yeah, I saw your text" he says shaking his phone, "we should go home, we've hung around" Mila says as she held me by the elbow, he agrees and leads us out, yet I still turn behind to get even a glance at that wolf one more time but it never came out.
When we were finally out of the water fall, everything clears and is appears like an illusion to me, Talon offers to walk me home and i didn't reject the offer.
"Thank you" I waved him when i was at the apartment. "Take care" he waved back before watching me get in, I had a feeling Rodolfo was back but i didn't bother to knock he might not be around so i slot the key and turned the knob opening the door, I found him seated at the sofa.
"You're back?" He welcomed me. "Oh you're home? I'm back" I said taking off my shoe and my parka as well. "So, how was it?"
"It was, well not bad at all, we just stroll into the wood" I said walking to the sofa he was seating on sat at the arm of the sofa. "The wood? Are you alright" he asked sounding so surprised and worried at the same time, I wonder why but it fits him. *chuckle*
"I'm fine why all the tension?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder but he was spacing out a bit and falling into his own thought before he spoke. "I just thought the woods is dangerous" and yes i know that a lot and everyone had warned me about it.
"I know, this is my first time going there and Talon won't let me be alone, so I'm good" I chuckle taking my arm off his shoulder, I wanted to tell him that i met a wolf but he will never believe me, he will say maybe i have hit my head before leaving with them.
"Who is the fair guy? Who was with the girls earlier?" He asked like he was on a background check. "Yup!" I answered, I asked him why he was asking but he never said a thing and fixed his gaze on his phone screen. I found myself beaming like a maniac, glad that i met him on time and so grateful.
"Thank you pervert" I whispered and I know he heard me. "You still call me that?"
"Indeed, I also saved your contact as that, soooo....." I slowly moves away from him but he quickly turns to me with glare. "Alisa change it, before i get you" He uttered pointing his index finger at me, looking so serious. It made me laugh but I won't do It.
"Npe, maybe if you can catch me" I hit him a pillow and rum but he toss the pillow away and chases me around, we ran the sitting room in circles yet he couldn't catch up to me, I kept throwing him the pillow to slow him down, I even jump on the sofa when he was so close to catch me.
It was so fun to make him run around, I couldn't help but to laugh my lungs out, he stopes and begins to pant holding his waist, as he follows me to laugh at our little childish play, I missed playing like this with my brother Rico and now Rodolfo, his laugh was really simple and calm.
I suddenly felt he was taking style to grab me but when i tried to jump the sofa to the next, he grabs me quickly by the waist and i released a sudden yelp chuckling.
"Got you!" He voiced, I struggle to let go but his grip was so tight, I stopped when i felt his chin on my shoulder as he breaths slowly. "I never knew that the hot blooded lady could be this childish" he whispers to my ears and it got me blushing hard but i had to escape his graps.
"Oh, I didn't know you could be a pervert or a thief" I recounted and he quickly let me go.
"Jeez, like seriously?" He sneers and yup! I got him there.
"Haha, I got you!" I stick out my tongue at him and immediately ran to my room closing the door before he could catch me, I know he must have noticed I've tricked him. I swayed and fell on my bed, panting as i stare up at the ceiling.
"She tricked me" I mutter before falling to the sofa, I've never seen her this joyful but today I felt the need to protect her at least that would be an apology for what i have done, I would protect her from both the Vampires and Werewolves, they shouldn't know about her existence.
The sight of her makes me want to keep playing and feel like nothing is at stake around. 'She's just incredible'.
How do you picture Talon! Good or bad?
Alisa and Rodolfo or Alisa and Talon?
What was your best part?