Skylar Sat down on her bed, not being able to sleep. She looked at her alarm clock. 3:00. She went to her bathroom to wash her face and then went back to her bed to try and sleep but she couldn't sleep.
Then suddenly, everywhere started getting bright outside. ' is it morning already?' She looked at her alarm clock and found oot it was just 3:05. She stood up and went to her window and saw something like a comet falling towards her backyard. She wanted to scream but she couldn't. Then the comet landed on her backyard, but nothing happened. She was surprised. 'Wow, it landed but nothing happened? Isn't it supposed to burn the house down or something?' Soon her curiosity got the best of her and she decided to take a look by herself. She opened her room window and climbed down. 'thank God this tree is still here. Never knew it would come in handy one day.' she thought. She got to the bottom of the tree and walked towards the light. She got closer and could hear someone rambling.
"Dad couldn't even treat me like a Goddess. He threw me away like a mortal would throw a thief. I am the chosen one, soon to be supreme Goddess. He has no right to treat me like this. I'm even he's daughter. He didn't even...." Skylar watched as the light kept complaining. 'well this light loves to complain.' She thought. The light glowed brighter and she could see a someone standing there. 'Ok, that should definitely be a girl.' The girl turned around to look at Skylar.
"Oh great, now a mortal saw me fall. How nice." Skylar was surprised. 'good she saw me. What should I do... ok I'll just come out and say hi' so she came out.
"Hi, I'm Skylar." She quietly said.
"Like I would care about that." The girl said rudely. Skylar frowned. 'ok that was rude' She looked at the girl. She had a red hair, so red that it looked like blood, red eyes to match her hair, a snow white skin and a white garment covering her body.
"Can I at least get to know your name?" She asked.
"Why would I to tell a mortal my name? "
"You know being rude isn't nice." Skylar mumbled.
"And mumbling in front of a Goddess who can hear your every word isn't respectful either." The girl retorted. Skylar started laughing.
"You are no 'Goddess' . Just a young girl who is extremely rude with no character." Skylar said still laughing. The glow around the girl intensified. She was really angry about what Skylar had said.
Suddenly, Skylar started choking. She fell to the floor coughing seriously. It felt as if her life was about to leave her body. The girl looked at Skylar and smiled. She could feel her trying to beg but she couldn't. This is what she always liked. Mortals begging for their lives.
"I'll let you live because I'll need you." The girl said and Skylar stopped coughing. "And by the way, if you must know my name, it's Saphari." She walked pass Skylar, was still on the floor. Skylar stood up and glared at Saphari.
"You almost killed me."
"You asked for it."
"Who will ask for death?"
"A dumb mortal like you."
"The names Skylar so call me by name not mortal. Got it"
"Watch your words, mortal. I can see you really don't fear death?"
Skylar glared at her. She couldn't say anything because she knew that she could easily kill her.
"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to e in heaven or something?" Skylar asked. She couldn't stop herself from asking.
Saphari on the other hand felt a tinge of pain. Her father never punished her but now he gave her the worst punishment. It made her feel weak but she pushed the feeling away. She's a Goddess. She's not meant to feel dad or weak. She has to be void of any emotions. That's what her mother always taught her.
Skylar watch her. She couldn't believe that she was a Goddess. Although she had that Godly aura, she just looked like a regular teenage girl. Except for the glowing skin.
"Let's just say I'm here for a vacation." She said, facing Skylar, then backing her again.
"A vacation?" Skylar looked at her questionably.
"Yes." She looked at Skylar. "So since you were privilege to see me fall, I'm gonna be staying with you."
"Hmm, I'm not gonna repeat myself again."
"Wait, why my house? You can't stay here."
"I will."
"What if you fell in a dessert, what would you have done?"
"Why do I have a feeling that you're under estimating me?"
"I won't fall in a dessert, ok?"
"Fine, but you can't come in now."
"I can't just bring you in. What will I tell my parents when they see you?"
"The truth." She replied in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh yeah, the truth. Ok, how will I say this,' hey Mom, dad, this is Saphari. She's a Goddess. She fell from the sky last night. Can she live with us?' "
"So what's wrong with that?"
"Everything is wrong with it. They'll think I'm crazy."
"Who would want to believe that?"
"You did."
"That's because you forced me to."
"Well I can just force them."
"You know, not everything has to do with violence."
"How can you say that. Everything has to do with it."
"Who the hell told you that?"
"My mother"
"Your mother??" Who the heck is her mother.
"Yeah. Iris Goddess of chaos and discord." Skylar looked at her. She had heard that name before. Her brother always talks about stuff like this but she never listen. But now she's standing in front of one.
"I've heard of her."
"Good. That's my mother."
"Well that doesn't mean you can be violent with them. They are my parents."
"Yeah whatever." She didn't like the way she was talking to this mortal. It felt like she knew her for long and she didn't like that feeling. "So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that, you should wait till it's brighter so I can tell my parents that you are a foreign exchange student."
"But I'm not a student?"
"I know that but they don't know." 'and she's supposed to be a Goddess.' Skylar thought.
"You do know that I can hear your thoughts, right?"
"What?!!" She couldn't believe what she just heard. "That means you've..."
"Hearing every thing you've been saying." Saphari said, completing her sentence.
"Well you have to stop."
"I'm sorry but I can't." She replied sarcastically. She was getting tired of chit - chatting with a mortal. She went under the tree and sat down on thin air.
"What are you sitting on?" Skylar asked.
"It's a chair, but you can't see it since you are a mortal." Skylar rolled her eyes.
Everywhere started getting bright and Skylar's alarm started ringing. "Oh my gosh! What time is it?"
"6 'o' clock." Saphari answered.
"How did you...oh never mind. " With that, she ran to tree. She had been standing outside for 3 good hours and she didn't know. She climbed the tree and entered her room. 'thank God it's Saturday' she thought. She went to her bathroom to bath and get ready.