Chapter 4

"Im not going"

Skylar looked at Alexa. They had been arguing about school. She wanted Alexa to go to school but the girl didn't want to.

"And why don't you want to?"

"Well it's because it going to be filled with mortals. I can't go there."

"But you live in a house filled with 'mortals'. " Skylar said, trying to make her understand.

"Well there is a difference."


"Well I sleep here and I don't." Alexa hmphed. Skylar groaned. "And besides," she continued "I don't even know any one there."

"Well you didn't know any one before you started staying here." Skylar countered.

"Well I knew you."

"Skylar, Alexa, breakfast is ready." Skylar's mother called.

"Mom is already calling. Let's go."

"Well tell your mother I'm not going anywhere."

"I can't."

"Foreign exchange student. Remember?" Alexa glared at her, "don't look at me like that. We planned this together." She stopped when Alexa glared harder at her, "ok, I planned it alone, but hey, it's gonna be fine. Well according to what you told me, you are the chosen one. It's not gonna be hard. So relax." Hearing this, Alexa sighed.

"Fine. I'll go." She muttered, but Skyler could still hear her.

"Really, you'll go," she asked her excitedly. Alexa rolled her eyes. "Oops, sorry. I'm really so excited. Can't wait to introduce you to all my friends." Alexa rolled her eyes again but smiled.

They went downstairs and saw the boys eating.

"I still can't believe your house is filled with so many boys. Really, how do you cope? Just for two days and I'm already tired." Alexa complained and Skylar laughed.

"I'm supposed to be grateful. Someone in my skul lives with nine boys and she's the only girl. I have just five. Aren't I lucky." Skylar asked between her laughter. Alexa was shocked. Nine boys? What's wrong with Lucinda? Why will she give a family nine boys with just a girl in it? Was she crazy?

Alexa was still in deep thoughts about Lucinda when she heard her name. "Good morning Saphari." Steven greeted. Everyone looked at him.

"Who is Saphari?" Sylvester, Skylar's older brother asked.

"Yeah Steven, WHO is Saphari?" Skylar asked, glaring at her brother. This idiot couldn't even keep a secret.

"No one." Steven said, laughing nervously, realizing his mistake. He went back to eating. Skylar's rolled her eyes at her brother. Them she sat down. Alexa sat close to her.

"So Alexa," Sylvester started, "you are going to school today, right?" He asked.

"Unfortunately, yes I am." Alexa replied looking at Skylar. Then she looked at him. "When are you going back to college?"

"Uhh...I was supposed to go today it I'll go tomorrow."


"Uhm...." Sylvester scratched the back of his head nervously. Skylar couldn't stop looking at her brother's actions. Right from day one, Sylvester has never been the person to be short one words. He is a playboy who got everything he wanted 'cause of his sweet mouth. But now, seeing him looking speechless and strangely cute, Skylar didn't like where this was going. She had this feeling that her brother had a crush on Alexa. No, get a grip of yourself Skylar, he doesn't like her. He can't. He's older than her. With six years. I think, Skylar thought to herself. If Sylvester had a crush on someone, that's someone can't be Alexa.

"So we are off to school." Skylar said standing up and pulling Alexa with her.

"Hey, I haven't eaten yet." Alexa complained. Skylar stopped and looked at her, "do you really want to eat?"

"You know, you aren't the boss of her." Sylvester said. Skylar looked at him and he kept quiet.

Turning backed to look at Alexa, she asked, "do you?" Alexa shook her head. "Good. So let's go." And she pulled Alexa out.

"I thought Andrew and Steven are coming with us?"

"They are."

"But where are we going?"

"To the porch."


"To get you far away from Sylvester."

"O......k" she said, "why."

"Aren't you supposed to be a goddess. You should know."

"You know what, you should have been given the name Athena. She's the goddess of courage and wisdom." Hearing this, Skylar rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, whatever. I didn't want you to stay close to my brother. He has a crush on you." Skylar said. Alexa was shocked.


"Sylvester." Alexa was really shocked. She didn't feel anything from him.

"I didn't know."

"Really? I thought you would have all the powers of the gods."

"Well yeah, I do but my mom thought me only about chaos. "

"Wow." Skylar was truly speechless. "I would really like to meet you mom." Skylar felt that her mother will really be heartless.

"Trust me, you don't want to meet her. She'll kill you anyways. She hates mortals." Skylar rolled her eyes. She now understood where she got her character from. "Back to your brother, I just hope that stupid Aphrodite isn't playing a dumb game with me." Alexa mumbled.

"Who's that?"

"Who's who?"


"Oh.. she's the goddess of love. You know, you guys know her as Cupid. The baby with on a diaper with bow and love arrows. " Alexa answered.

"Wait, her name is Aphrodite??" Skylar asked, totally shocked. She had always thought it was an actual baby. How low was her IQ??

"Yeah. She's actually pissed that you guys think she's a baby. I mean, which idiot will say a baby could handle a bow and arrow. Aphrodite hates arrows."

"So you are saying that that Cupid is not real and that her real name is Aphrodite and she hates arrows??" Skylar asked, totally confused about this whole supernatural stuff.

"Well, you can call her Cupid. She actually likes the name but she hates the fact that they think she's a baby. And her name is Aphrodite. And yes, She hates arrows. She deals with doves and all those romantic stuff. And arrows are Artemis stuff."

"Who's Artemis?"

"Oh..she's the goddess of the hunt."

"Wow. I just fell like I've taken a trip to goddess history." Skylar commented. Then it was silent. Then Alexa said, "well it's not bad."

"What do you mean 'its not that bad?'" Skylar asked, already knowing what she wants to say.

"Well for starters, you brother is kinda..." "Don't you dare," Skylar warned, cutting her short.

"Cute.." Alexa said, not minding her warning.

"Hey!!" She didn't want her brother to like her. Sylvester was a player and she didn't want him to like Alexa or even date her, then later break her heart,if she had one, which might make her kill him. A broken hearted goddess with a dead brother isn't something she was ready to hear.

Finally, the school bus came. Skylar pulled Alexa to the bus but Alexa was pulled back. Turning round, she saw Sylvester. "Yes?" She said, probably thinking he had something to tell her.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?" Sylvester asked.

"Yeah su..."

"Sorry, but the bus is hear already." Skylar interrupted her.

"I wasn't talking to you. You can take the bus if you want to."

"Well, that's your problem. We are taking the bus."

"Why do you behave as if you own her. She has a life you know."

"I know. But that's non of your business."

"Urgh... What the hell is your problem?" Sylvester asked, getting annoyed with his sister. The first girl he truly liked and want to be with, his sister is behaving like her owner. Skylar glared at her brother and both of them started arguing. Then the school bus left.

"Have you seen what you've done. The bus is gone now."

"How is that my fault. You where the one who wanted to argue with me." And then they started arguing again.

Alexa groaned. She looked at the two of them. Wasn't Sylvester older than his sister with about 6 years. He's 22. Seriously, this is so messed up, Alexa thought to herself. She closed her eyes and saw the back of the school bus. It had entered a place. She thought that it was probably the school. She searched for a board and she saw the name of the school. 'Eastville high.' She saw people entering and leaving the building that was near the board. She looked at her wrist, a silver watch was there. It was 8.30. Didn't Skylar say school begins at 8, but now it's 8.30 and this two idiots were still arguing. Sighing, she snapped her fingers and everything froze. Conjuring up a door, she opened it. She touched Skylar and she unfroze, still arguing with her brother as if she had never been frozen. She stopped. She turned around to look at Alexa. "What's happening?" She asked, totally confused. It seemed as if everything had stopped moving.

"I froze time." Alexa said as if she was talking about the weather.

"OMG!!!!!!!!" Skylar squealed, "you can freeze time?" She was really excited. It was everyday she was able to see time freeze. Now she was seeing, she was so happy.

"Of course I can. I'm a goddess." Came Alexa's reply. Skylar rolled her eyes. Such a narssit. Skylar thought.

Alexa pulled skylar to the door. Skyler was confused. "Why is there a door here?"

"I conjured it up. And don't ask why. We are late for school." She said, removing the question from Skylar's lips. She pulled her through the door and immediately they went through, the door disappeared. Wow, Skylar thought, that was cool. Then Alexa snapped her fingers again and everything unfroze.

"That was so cool" Skylar exclaimed. Alexa rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever." Then they entered the school.

Alexa looked at everybody. Mortals. She hated then and yet her father sent her here to learn her lesson. To her she felt reduce. 'Father really hates her to send her to the place she despises most.' She had grown a deep hatred for them all thanks to her mother. But now, one was her friend and she lives with them even though she really hates it. Besides, she didn't have an option. She sighed. Looking at Skylar, she asked, "so this is how school is for you mortals?" Hearing this, Skylar rolled her eyes and frowned. She really hates it when she uses the word mortal on her. Even though it was true, the way she said it made her feel low. To everyone, she's a mortal and not anything special. She didn't want to tell her, hoping she would grow out of it.

"Well yes, I guess." She said not really sure. "Well do you guys have a school there?"

"Yes. But I didn't go. Mom wanted me to learn from her. So I didn't really go."

"Well that's a bummer. School is annoying, nice, good and bad." Alexa rolled her eyes.

Walking around, Alexa noticed that it was rowdy. "Why is it so rowdy? Isn't everyone supposed to be in their classroom?"

"How did you know?"

"I'm not dumb." Skylar rolled her eyes. "Can you not be sarcastic for once?" She asked. Seeing that she did not reply, she continued, "anyways, you've got to get your admission ready."

"What admission?"

"You know,the one that makes you part of this school. If you don't get admitted, you aren't part of this school."

"But I'm not part of this school."

"Yes you are, remember, foreign exchange student." Skylar reminded her.

"Well I never said you could cover up for me"

"Not with this again." Skylar's groaned. She was not ready for this argument again since she thought it was over. Skylar opened her mouth to say something but was shut back when she heard a voice.

"Why are the both of you outside your classrooms? " The voice asked, clearly sounding angry. They turned to the direction of the voice. Skylar gulped.

"Uhmm.. hi.. I mean good morning Mrs. Honeywell." Skylar greeted, stuttering. Her name might be sweet but she wasn't, Skylar thought.

"I asked a question. Why are both of you outside your class?" She asked again, sounding more angrier. Seeing that none of them was making any move to answer her, she snapped. "BOTH OF YOU, TO MY OFFICE NOW!" She yelled. Skylar's legs moved voluntarily but it stopped when it noticed it was moving alone. Skylar turned to look at Alexa and gulped. 'Does this girl wants me to get expelled?' she thought. When Mrs. Honeywell saw this, her blood instantly turned lava.


"Why?" Alexa asked rudely. She stared at the mortal. Who was she to command her. Mrs. Honeywell was shocked. She knew that the girl had a strange aura coming from her, but then, she was still a young girl talking rudely to her elders. Skylar heard this and immediately began to panic.

"Sorry Mrs. Honeywell. She's a new student here and she is really sorry." She said nervously. She tried to moved Alexa away from there but she couldn't. It was as if she was stuck to the ground.

The students heard the commotion going on but there couldn't interfere knowing it was their principal they were facing. Even the teachers didn't dare to check on what was going on. The began to feel pity for whoever had fallen into her trap. Then they heard a loud SMACK! And they knew the person was slapped.

Skylar's saw this and gasped. She froze. 'uh...oh Mrs. Honeywell, what have you done. You just signed a contract with death!'