2. Rudra

Ananya's pov

I groan softly into my bed trying to control my emotions, like I do every time when the topic of marriage comes. I know that I have to get married someday to a man, but I don't want to end up like my mom. I hate commitment. All of my past relationship didn't stay for long, because eventually the guys get tired of my commit-o-phobia and end the relationship. But even before I enter into the relationship, I already tell them that I don't commit.

In the start they all agree believing that they can change my mind, but end up changing their own. I don't know but whenever I enter into a relationship, I can't bring myself to love that person. I do like the guy and all, I do feel attracted towards him, but I can't get that emotional connect with him.

I simply freshen up and then rush out of the house, so that no one would notice that I am going out. I make my way to my love, my bike hop on it and ride myself to the office of my best friend Rudy. Rudra Singh Tanwar, my best friend since we were 2. Our mothers used to work in the same place and I and Rudy used to go in the same school. We clicked and then we were in separable since then. When I shifted to Mumbai after mom's death, Rudy also shifted back. Our moms were very close, just like sisters.

It was Rudra's father who insisted Pa that I should live in Seattle, since I can get the best doctors for my Panic attacks and Nightmares and since Rudy was his son he somehow convinced him that he should shit there as well. We went to high school together, but separated when we chose colleges. Rudra chose to study business while I chose engineering. But that didn't mean that we weren't close. We used to talk every single day, no matter. He made great friends there especially Veer and Aryan and also found his love there, Rehana. I have only met Rehana and we are good friends now. Our relationship was rocky at first when she started dating Rudy since she thought that I am interested in Rudy. But later on when she understood the bond that we share she knew that we love each other but not romantically, he is practically my brother. Not by blood.

My high school was the best time I ever had. The college was fun, but without Rudy I kind of dumped myself into studies and my pranks also reduced. My partner of crime Rudy wasn't there. But that didn't mean I didn't do anything. I am known for being reckless and a prankster and there were certain time when I hacked into the server of Rudy's university so that I could hamper his grades, his attendance and for certain other things.

I am a software engineer and gadgets are my weakness. The two non- living things that I care with my life are my laptop and bike. All hell would break loose, if something ever happens to them. I reach the 20 storeys building that I know is Rudra's office. He is a successful businessman in textiles and his company produces one of the best quality clothes in the world. He is a sweet and charming man.

The receptionist knows me pretty well so I don't have to ask for the permission to meet him. I take the VIP elevator and wait for the door to open so that I can greet my friend. The elevator opens on the 20th floor which has his office and I barge into his office without even knocking only to make him look at me at surprise. It takes him a 5 seconds to register that I am standing in front of him when he does, he gets up from his chair and in a flash he picks me up in his arms and twirls me around till I feel the world spin around me and my vision blurry.

"Oh my God, when did you come?"

He asks his voice full of excitement as he places a kiss to cheeks and forehead in a brotherly manner.

"Just a couple hours ago. I am back here."

His looks at me in confusion before he understand my words completely as he twirls me around again shouting that 'my best friend is back', as I hold onto his shoulders for dear life.

"I can't believe you are shifting here permanently." He grins excitedly.

He takes to his couch and orders my favorite pizza as we catch up. It's not like he doesn't know anything about me, he knows it all. Just me shifting permanently is a surprise for him.

"So how does it feel to be back ?" He asks as I chuckle.

"You know I always wanted to come back. I just couldn't because of grandma."

"Hmm. Hey, what's wrong ?"

See that's the thing with best friend. Even if you don't say anything they somehow guess that something is wrong.

"Just the usual. Ma asking me to get married." I say with a groan as he grin at my discomfort but then his expression turns serious.

"But Ana, don't you feel alone. I mean don't you want to get settled ?" He asks curiously and I sigh.

"I don't know. I just can't bring my self to love someone to spend my life forever with him."

"Well, if you don't want than I can talk to Jahnvi Aunty."

"As if she would listen to you. This time she is more determined to hook me up with someone. I am afraid if I didn't find anyone she is going to arrange my marriage."

"Don't worry about it. You have just come and just enjoy your time. These heavy things can be done later."

"Well, I want you to meet Veer." He states all of a sudden when I munch on my pizza as I look at him quizzickly.

"You aren't setting us up are you ?" I joke but a bit of seriousness as he shakes his head no.

"Veer and Aryan are my closest friends after you. I have known them for 10 years and yet you guys have never met. And Veer is coming to Mumbai for a business deal so I want him to meet my best friend since childhood, about whom he has only heard."

He says dramatically as I chuckle at his cheesiness to convince me to meet people. I have never meet Veer and Aryan, but I have seen them and heard about them.

Veer Raj Singh Oberoi is the topmost businessman of the country, one of the most eligible bachelors. The upcoming project that my company is starting with is in collaboration with Oberoi Empire. So I have a feeling that personally or not, we are going to meet professionally.

Aryan Khanna on the other hand has a construction business and one of the finest architects of the city. He is also a millionaire and has a charm with ladies.

According to Rudy, Veer and I are very similar. We both don't like crowds, have limited friends and fucked up pasts. if anyone would say that to me in face that I have I fucked up past he would me damned. But we are talking about Rudy who has no filters when he talks to me. He is my best worst critic and best supporter.

"Okay, Actually my company is signing a joint project with Oberoi industries so there are chance that I might meet him."

"That's great actually. I wish you guys get along."

"What do you mean get along ?"

"Well, you both are headstrong and stubborn, so if there is any disagreement between you guys then I don't know who will will or who will back out first."

"Rudy, I have been working in this industry for 7 years, I know how to convince people." I say flaunting myself cheekily with a wink.

"Anyways, I better get going otherwise Ma would kill me." I hug him goodbye but he come to drop me off to the parking and rolls his eyes when he sees that I came on bike. But come on the traffic in Mumbai is so bad and it's better that if you use two wheelers rather than four.

Veer's pov

"Alright everyone. So I want the proposal ready by tomorrow."

I instruct the managers who nod in agreement. I am flying to Mumbai tomorrow with my Nani (grandmother) who's insisting me to get married as soon as possible because she isn't getting any older and wants to see my children soon.

When my father left us for money and my mother killed herself because she couldn't handle her husband leaving her, I was left alone in this world at the age of 15 with my sister Sara who was just 7. My nana and nani took us with them and raised us. They both were devastated when they heard about their daughter killing herself.

Ever since than I lost my childhood and became the parent for Sarah. My baby sister is my world and has me wrapped around her pinky. My Nana passed away a few years back which left Nani alone but she is doing well past couple years. Yes we all miss him but she is still happy that she has us.

After Nana ji died I nani has joined the business, she just supervises certain deals and helps me with it. Currently I am working on the new project that I have signed with the haynes collaboration. It is one of the best IT companies and the project is based on network security. I have heard a few things about the chief programmer of the company Ananya A. Bajaj. She is one the best software engineers and excels in her work. Apparently she is a genius when it comes to software designing and programming.

So here I am trying my best so that I could impress her and get this deal confirmed. I have never seen her all I have known about her is heard. I would be living at Rudra's house, one of closest friends along with Aryan. Though we have contrasting personalities we complement each other well. Rudra is a peace loving and quite energetic and Aryan is a great player with girls and is quite fun. I on the other hand carries the image of ruthless and cold hearted businessman, but that doesn't mean I am not good with ladies. I have my fair share of women. But I just don't do commitments, moreover the girls are more like hookups or one night stands and all of them are interested in my money not me.