11. Kiss

Ananya's pov

I always knew that my guardian angels were actually having picnic when my fate was written, because at every point in my life, it was necessary to have drama. Or may be it was just my family who loved drama.

Fate always had plans for me already, she made sure to make my life a God damn series with no ending, every ending had a twisted beginning. Here I thought that the dinner would go well since I had agreed to the wedding and then in just a week I would be married. But no, there has to be a drama.

So the drama started since my beloved brother decided it has to be today where he would run away with Ruhi, his girlfriend for past 4 years.

"What the actual fuck?"

Rudy screeched like a hyena that Shori had to clamp his hand over his mouth and he pulled him behind the wall, caging him. If I didn't knew that they both were straight, I would have believed that they had chemistry. The position was quite compromising, I must say.